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After Roger quickly got dressed they drove round to John's telling him the news before they all went onto Freddie's stopping for some champagne on the way.

Like normal Roger bust in the door like he owns the place. "Phone's off the hook."

"Oh come in make yourselves at home don't mind us," Freddie mutters annoyed they'd interrupted a very private moment. "What's going on guys? This isn't a good time."

"I did try to tell them, dad." Amelia apologised sitting next to John.

"Well if you answered your phone you'd know already." Brian starts trying to open the champagne, "John Reid called today, he has a little tour in mind."

Roger interrupts smug smile on his face, "It's not little Brian. He's booked us a tour of America. The albums hit the charts in the US."

Freddie's annoyance disappeared, replaced with excitement, "Yes!" He starts laughing with the others. They've done it! He pulls Roger, John and Brian into group hug filled with cheering and laughter.

Amelia took that moment to notice the ring on Mary's finger, she said yes! Mary saw her looking and gave her a sweet smile gesturing to keep it a secret for now.


Amelia's POV

I lay awake that night thinking about what it would be like to go to America. I know dad is going to say no, I have school but I missed him when he went on tour around the UK and America is so far away.

Maybe this time I could go with them. Rolling over in bed to face Jerry, he always listens to my problems.

He curled up next to my pillow so I scratch his head, making him purr, "What do you think Jerry? You think dad will let me go?" He swishes his tail from side to side meaning no.

"Yeah, I didn't think so. But there's no harm in asking right?" He just head-butts my forehead in agreement.

That's what I'm going to do, tomorrow morning I gonna ask him.

End of Amelia's POV

The next morning Amelia found her dad sat on the fire escape drinking a cup of coffee. She climbs out the window to sit next to him, "Morning Daddy."

Freddie wraps on arm around her in a side hug, "Morning sweetheart, your up early," He was right it's only just gone 8 am on a Saturday Amelia usually slept till at least 9 am. "Something on your mind darling?"

She just nods not entirely sure how to ask him. "Is it do with me going to America?"

Amelia never understood how he could read her mind like that, "I wish could come with you. But I know you're going to say no."

He thought for a moment until he had an idea, "I don't want you to miss school, but since the tour is from the end of April until the end of June perhaps you could come and join us at the end of May when the school year finishes. Your reception class finishes earlier than the rest of the school."

This made Amelia very excited, "Really? I can join you? You'll let me?"

He chuckles at his daughter's enthusiasm, "If your good for me and Mary until then and finish your schoolwork then yes you can join us. I'm sure the others won't mind."

Squeezing her dad around the middle in a hug, she squeals with excitement, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Calming down she asks a more important question, "When do you leave?"

Freddie puts a dramatic hand to his heart in mock hurt, "You planning a party or something? Are you trying to get rid of me? I hope you're not planning to bring a boy round."

"Dad I'm four, I don't have a boyfriend and boys are icky." Freddie couldn't help but think that one day that will change and then he would have the fun task of interrogating them.

"That will change one day. Anyway, we leave on Wednesday." It was Sunday now so that's three days.

"So soon?" Amelia was disappointed but she understands that this is important.

"I know but I'll call you every few days and you'll join us at the end of May." They sat in silence for a while longer until Mary calls them back in for breakfast.


Those three days went very quickly in between getting things sorted Freddie spent as much time with his daughter and Mary as possible.

The plane's departure was in the afternoon so Amelia was permitted to leave school early and go with Mary to the airport to see the boys off.

This was Amelia's first time at an airport and she didn't like it one bit. There were so many people and the noise of the planes and tannoy announcements hurt her small ears. But she keeps a tight hold of Freddie's neck, looking around at everything as they walk towards the correct gate.

When they were called to board there plane, Amelia hugged her three uncles before turning back to Freddie. She clings to him like a monkey and he hugs her back tightly feeling a wet patch forming on his shoulder.

Eventually, he carries out the unbearable task of untangling himself from her when Paul says they need to go. Freddie passes her to Mary, pressing a quick peck to Mary's lips then Amelia's forehead wiping away her tears, "I love you both" he whispers giving them both a sad smile.

He follows the boys to the gate handing the man his ticket. He turns back blowing them both a kiss, which Amelia air catches holding it to her heart before he disappears around the corner.

That was the hardest part of touring for Freddie. My god, he loves performing for all those people living his dream but he hates saying goodbye to his two favourite girls.

Amelia spent the whole ride home staring out the window, she usually sings along to the radio but this time she was completely silent.

Mary hates seeing her so quiet. She knew that once Freddie calls them Amelia would cheer up again but for now Mary would just have to comfort the girl.


Later that evening Mary lay in bed trying to drift off but the bed was too cold and a heavy pelt of rain against the window mixed with the low rumble of thunder kept her awake. Out of nowhere, there was a bright flash of lightning.

She heard the patting of little feet running down the hall stopping outside the door, there was another flash and the door shot open. Amelia stood at the door eyes full of terror with hedgehog clutched to her chest.

With another loud crash of thunder, she dives under the covers of Mary's bed, "I don't like it" she whimpers.

Mary pulls the covers back bringing Amelia into a tight embrace, "It's alright Milly, it can't hurt you in here."

"But it's so loud," Amelia clamps her hands over her ears.

Mary thought about how to make it less frightening, "Well, think of it this way. When your or Roger play the drums it makes a similar sound right?" Amelia nods, "So think of it as Roger playing the drums really loud. It's not so scary then."

Amelia listens for the crash this time and relaxes at the realisation that it does indeed sound very similar.

Laying back she curls up against Mary drifting off to sleep. Mary was glad of the company the bed wasn't so cold anymore. 

Came up with this idea during the thunderstorms we had here last week. 

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