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Hey guys,

Updating today because I won't have time tomorrow then I will continue my normal two-day update from Friday.


Amelia's POV

The morning after, I woke before dad having tossed and turned all night, I didn't get a wink of sleep. My mind is racing with questions but I am too scared to ask them.

I slowly got out of bed grabbing my clothes for the day, I got changed in the bathroom so I don't wake my dad.

Heading downstairs I froze when I see John sat on the couch, notebook in hand, back to me. I tiptoe down the last few steps trying to make it to the door without being heard.

I just got to the door when... "I do hope you're not running away again."

I look over my shoulder and he's looking over his shoulder with a pointed look waiting for my replay, "No I'm not running away, I just need some air."

He frowns, "Anything I can help with?"

I paused, "No, thank you uncle Deaky, I'm going the see Ruffian if dad asks where I've gone."

"Okay just be careful." He goes back to his notebook.

I nod and head to the stables, Ruffian is a golden retriever that sleeps in the stables and belongs to the owners of Rockfield Farm.

I miss talking to Jerry but Ruffian is a good substitute.

End of Amelia's POV


When Freddie awoke to see the bed empty he sighs, he is aware that Amelia saw what happened last night and he needed to talk to her, she must have so many questions.

After changing he ran downstairs Brian had now joined John on the couch, "Have either of you seen Milly?"

John pauses his conversation with Brian, "She's with Ruffian in the stables," and resumes as if Freddie hadn't just asked a question.

Freddie heads to the stables finding his daughter sat in Ruffians bed, legs stretched out in front of her with Ruffian lay in between her legs, head on her chest looking up at her and she was talking to him.

Amelia hasn't heard him come in yet so he stops to listen to what she is saying, "I feel like everything is changing Ruff, the more successful the band become the more I feel like I never see my family."

She sighs fussing the fur behind his ears, "I know it selfish of me and I don't want Queen to stop, I love their music but wish there was a way for them to be successful without me having to miss them."

"Milly," Freddie calls quietly as not to startle her, "I think we need to talk, about last night." He sits on the floor next to her back against the wall of the barn.

Amelia gives him the side-eye, "I wasn't eavesdropping last night, I was coming to say goodnight. I thought you were alone."

He nods in understanding, "What happened between me and Paul last night was a big mistake on his part. He overstepped his mark."

She didn't look up from Ruffian, "It made me angry to see him do that, I wanted to push him off."

Freddie smiles, "I'm glad you wanted to protect me but don't worry I can fight my own battles. This Queen is her own knight in shining armour."

"Why was he kissing another man?"

He wasn't surprised she asked that. "Like when a man and woman fall in love, sometimes men fall in love with men and women fall in love with women. It's called a gay relationship. Now not so long ago being gay was illegal with is why some people don't feel comfortable with identifying as gay and some people don't like when other people are gay, they think it's wrong."

Amelia frowns finally looking up at him, "But what's wrong with being in love?"

"Exactly what I think, it's just some people don't like it. But let's just keep what happened last night between us okay?"

"Okay." They sat there for a while longer, no talking just enjoying the quiet of the countryside.

Freddie let his eyes wander around the barn, "You like sitting here don't you? I've seen you here a few times before with Ruffian." He runs a hand through the dog's fur.

Amelia followed his gazes, "It's a good place to think and Ruffian is a good listener, almost as good as Jerry. Wish I had my guitar with me."

"Has this place given you inspiration for a song?"

She nods, "Yeah I think so, I just need to get it down on paper."

"Well, I'd like to hear it when you have something. Now I've had some inspiration and we're about to start recording it, you want to come and watch?" She grabs his hand and they head to the studio.


A week later on Amelia's last day before returning home and Roger was in the booth recording.

"How was that?" He asks having sung some really high notes.

"Higher," Amelia could tell her dad was trying to push him to the limit.

"If I go any higher only dogs will hear me," Roger records again and Freddie asks him to go higher still.

He keeps pushing Roger higher and higher, "That's it," Freddie announces, "That's perfect."

"Is that it are we done?" Roger asks out of puff.

"Yeah that's it he loves you," John tells him.

"Oh thank god, my nuts feel like there in my chest right now." Amelia snorts a laugh with the others.

She couldn't wait to hear it all put together, but they had recorded so much and there are so many sections, she wonders how long this song is going to be.


A few months later, things progressed. The band were no longer signed with Trident. Their fourth album 'Night at the Opera' had been released in November after the 'accidental' release of the single 'Bohemian Rhapsody'.

Amelia first heard the song when she was at home with Jessica doing some homework, they had the radio in the background and the song came on, let just say their homework was forgotten for the next six minutes. They were both obsessed with the song.

But as previously stated Queen is no longer signed with Trident due to money issues that Amelia doesn't understand.

Then in January of 1976, they signed a new deal with EMI Records and went back out on tour for the next four months. But this time they are finally earning good money.

Sorry about the quick time movement at the end. You may have noticed I like writing dramatic events in stories but I try to keep them as realistic as possible and I only put them in if I think they fit.

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