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It's Monday morning and Amelia is getting ready for her first a day at nursery.

Since coming home from the hospital Amelia has improved, her skins as healed though leaving faint scars, she's gain the weight she needed to make her healthy and not just skin and bones.

The other thing that's developed in Amelia is her confidence and with that, her personality has started to show. This is where she really takes after Freddie, she's kind, caring and she does have her shy moments but she as Freddie's weakness for clothes.

This is why Amelia's getting ready has come to a halt, she has to have the right outfit for her first day, she doesn't have a uniform until she reaches reception year. Freddie couldn't agree more, got to make a good impression, darlings.

After fifteen minutes of going through all her clothes, she finally found the perfect outfit to go with the all-important pink converse.

After fifteen minutes of going through all her clothes, she finally found the perfect outfit to go with the all-important pink converse

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Half an hour later Amelia and Freddie are stood at the gates to the nursery. The Nursery building was part of the main primary school that Amelia would eventually move into as she gets older, but the nursery has a separate entrance, so the little ones don't get trampled by the older children.

Despite the growth in Amelia's confidence, she was nervous to go in, as was Freddie. This would be the first time that Amelia is left without a member of the family with her. He wasn't sure how she would cope. Giving her hand a squeeze they walk into the building.

Arriving at the right classroom, Freddie can see there are already a few children there, one saying goodbye to his parents and others already sat in a big group.

A woman that Freddie assumes is Amelia's teacher approaches them with a kind smile and a clipboard. "Welcome to Barnfield's nursery. Can I take both your names so I can cross you off the list."

"Of course, I'm Freddie Mercury and this is my daughter Amelia," Freddie observes the room while she checks the list. There are four groups of tables with space for 6 children in the middle of the room. Brian would love it in here the tables groups have names, the hedgehogs, the foxes, the badgers and the owls.

At the front, there's a big open space where the children are currently sat. At the back, there are toys, art supplies and lots of book with plenty of space to play. At the far end of the classroom, double doors lead out to a playground area. Overall the room is bright and colourful, Freddie highly approves.

"Ah yes found you." The teacher crosses them off, "Nice to meet you, Mr Mercury, I'm Miss Poppy and I'll be your daughter teacher for the year." Miss Poppy's shook his hand. "I understand at this is a big change for your daughter but we'll look after her."

The school had been informed of Amelia's past but Freddie didn't want it to affect her schooling. "Thank you, but I don't want her treated any differently from the others, I want her to learn and grow here like the rest of the children."

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