3 | Haunted

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It wasn't until Chris snapped his fingers in my face, I noticed that he was back and stood in front of me. I looked up and wiped my tears away before I smiled up to him.

"Do you need anything?" I closed my laptop and stood up opening the trailer door for him. "Sit with me." He demanded, I closed the door behind us and opened his blinder and let the sun in the window. It wasn't until the sunlight shone in I saw how messy and dusty his trailer was.

I put my laptop down on the table before I sat down on the same chair I had been sitting in earlier, when we went through his script. Pulling my planner out from my bag, I wrote down in my to do list that I needed to clean the trailer.

Looking up at Chris I noticed that he had been staring at me. "What?" I questioned. "Do you know how messy and dusty your trailer is." It wasn't a question, more of a statement since I figured he already knew that fact.

"Whatever makes you happy." He simply said leaning back in his chair looking at me. If he could just stop looking at me it would be great. It was really distracting. "You wanna tell me what that outside was?"

"It was nothing. Really." I lied.

"Stop lying, sweetheart. Now, tell me what was going on in that pretty head of yours. Was it what I said this morning?"

I sighed, what was up with that sweet caring person?

"It was really nothing. It wasn't you. But I really don't want to talk about it, okay? So leave it be." I stood up and started to take the dirty dishes around the trailer and put them in the sink. I found some dish soap and a sponge and started to clean the dishes, lost in my own thoughts.


"Caroline?" We had been sitting in silence for a while. He had just finished shooting his scenes for the day and I had to admit; he was very talented. His acting was something special. And I wanted to see more of him. "Friday, when we you know...when we had..."

"Sex?" Apparently he couldn't say we had sex anymore. Cute. "What about it?"

Chris cleared his throat and nodded. "Yes, right. When we slept together I finished inside of you..." He trailed off. "And?" He put his fork down and leant forward on his hands. I had cooked him dinner and he had insisted on me eating with him.

"Are there any chances for you getting pregnant?" I threw my head back laughing. "No, I'm protected. And I don't even want kids. At least not yet." I could see that Chris relaxed a bit. "Good. That's good."

"Since we already are on the subject," I looked at him with hooded eyes. "Should I test myself for sexually transmitted diseases?" Chris shook his head.

"No, I always use condoms." He said as I started to gather my things. It was late, and I was tired. "Friday...it was a slip. Should I test myself?"

"No. I never had unprotected sex with my boyf-ex. I think it's time for me to go," I could see him smirk when I blushed lightly.

"See you tomorrow, Mr. Evans."


On my walk to the trainstation I started to think. He was a confusing man, that was for sure. And I had to admit he was intriguing.

I wanted to know everything there was to know about him. I decided that the moment I got home I had a date with my computer and the big web. I was going to look him up and learn everything. It was the only way to get him off my mind.

To find a flaw with him.

I found myself an empty seat on the train. I was in my own thoughts and didn't notice the boy that came and sat down beside me before he spoke. "How was your first day of work?" I turned my head and looked into Rick's brown eyes. He was smiling and had small dimples on just one of his cheeks. That was rare, and he was very cute.

"Rick," I stated. "Hi, so sorry I didn't notice you. It was totally fine. My boss is a dickhead though. Where are you going?"

"Work. I work the night shift at the hospital tonight." So he was a caring person.

"That sounds exciting. What do you do?"

"I'm a nurse. I'm so sorry about your boss by the way." I brushed him off. "Don't be, he can honestly go take a bun." Rick laughed. "Take a bun?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it doesn't really translate that well to English. Ta deg en bolle. It's just something you say to someone who should take it easy and go away."

"That sounded like a Nordic language, am I right?" Impressive. "You are so right. Norwegian actually."

"Exotic." I shook my head.

"Not exotic at all. There is nothing exotic about Norway. It's actually very cold, and where I'm from, this small town on the west coast of Norway, we can have all four seasons in one day. Once it started snowing in late May, like why? It's like it is sunny and warm and the next second it can snow and be minus degrees. You never know. There is a reason why I always bring an umbrella with me everywhere I go. It's an old habit."

Rick sat in silence and listened to me with wide eyes, while I pulled my green umbrella from my bag to make my point. He was easy to talk to and I liked his company, which was rare for me. I wasn't the talking type, at least not with strangers.

"You know, this is very strange for me. As a true Norwegian you would never talk to anyone on the bus, tram, subway and so on. I don't think I can go back to Norway now. I don't think I would be welcome anymore."

"I don't think that's true, Caroline." He smiled at me and tried to reassure me. "I don't think that you would not be not welcomed anymore."

"Oh, but it is. It's an unspoken rule. You don't talk to strangers unless it's a must. If I was to get off this train now and we were in Norway, I would just gather my things and you would know that I was to get off on the next stop and you would move. And the most important thing, we would not speak. Because if we did speak to each other the police would come to arrest us both. The best would have been if you had sat down in any other seat."

"Okay, let's not be true Norwegians and let me take you out on a date. I guess you haven't had the time to visit the town and go sightseeing?"

I shook my head. "No, I haven't but I don't know. I don't know you that well Rick. For all I know you could be a knife murderer." Rick laughed a loud laughter and it got people to turn toward us.

"A knife murderer actually. Not an axe murderer." I shook my head. He clearly wasn't a murderer. "No, it is much easier to hide a knife than it is to hide an axe. But I'm deadly serious, Rick. I can't go out with you. I don't know you."

"That's the whole point of going out on a date. To get to know the other person. I'm dying to get more facts about Norway, and to get to know you. So I will ask you once more; go out with me. It doesn't have to be a date. Let's say it's two friends doing something together. I will pick you up at eight on Saturday. I have the day off. What do you say?"

I thought about it. Even though I didn't want to get into a relationship just yet, it would be nice to have a friend so I agreed to go out with him the coming Saturday.

"It's a date!" He yelled at me before he got off the train.

"It's not a date."

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Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now