22 | I Will Chop Them All Up

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"Where do I start?" Chris didn't answer her, it was a rhetorical question. He knew that. "Her father used to abuse her. Both mentally and physically. It started with just a slap to her cheek when she didn't behave, when she was young. Then when she got older, he started to kick her as well. The list of hospital visits are long. Then it went over to mental abuse as well. He would say things like, she didn't deserve love, that she would never find a man that could love her. That she was already broken."

Emma took a breath.

"I remembered one time in tenth grade, her mother had tried to divorce her father, and Caroline had come to school with bruises all over her. Most of them she managed to cover up with clothes. It wasn't only her he hit or abused. Monica, her mother, and her two brothers as well went through the same faith. When Caroline was nine, her mother got pregnant again with her younger brother, Gustav. Frank, her father, blamed Caroline for his wife getting pregnant again. As if Caroline decided that. He beat Monica almost to death, hoping that the baby wouldn't survive."

He felt sick to his stomach. He felt the need to throw up. Caroline's father was disgusting.

"Caroline told me once that she tried to stop her father from beating her mother by placing herself in between them. It only resulted in Frank throwing Caroline to the wall. That was not the first time, nor the last he did so." Emma shuddered and Chris felt pain for his feisty girl. No one should ever have to go through what they did.

"That's fucked up." Emma nodded.

"Yeah, it is. I remember when her father went to prison the third time, Caroline was a mess for days after. She always used to laugh at Simon's jokes, but that week no one could make her laugh. No matter what."

"She has always been very quiet of nature, but then she kind of fainted away. I know she really loves her father, and he blamed her for going to prison. He told her that if she only had done better in school, or behaved better at home, it would never have happened."

Chris just sat there in silence listening to Emma. Thinking about how strong his Line actually was.

"So when we started high school she overworked herself, just to prove to her dad that she was worthy of his love. She got an eating disorder and was admitted to the hospital. When she came home, she hoped that her father wouldn't be disappointed in her. She didn't care that she almost died. All she wanted was to feel her fathers love. To have him tell her that she was enough. He proceeded with beating her up." Emma took a sip of her water clearing her throat.

"When she got her first boyfriend, Markus, she hoped that her father would support her, even though it wasn't in his plan for her life. He didn't. He told her that her boyfriend now owned her, and she had to do everything he told her to."

Emma paused for a second before she continued. "Do you know how fucked up that is? To have your own father tell you that the boy you liked owned you." It clicked for Chris. That was why Caroline always did as he told her in the beginning. Of course, he was her boss, but some of the things he had asked were not okay. Still, she had done them without questioning it.

"Monica finally got the divorce she wanted," Emma tucked the blanket more around her legs looking at Chris. "But it came with a cost. Since Caroline wasn't eighteen yet, the court moved Caroline and her brothers to live with their dad. He had made up some shit story about how their mother was a drug addict, and how she wasn't capable of taking care of her own kids."

"He is a master manipulator, so I'm not even a little bit surprised that the court believed him. That time when she lived with her dad was the hardest time for her ever. But since she wasn't over eighteen she wasn't allowed to have a say in where and who wanted to live with, which was a complete lie. But since her father told her that, she didn't question it."

Emma smiled, like she remembered the next memory as a happy one. "The day she got eighteen she moved straight to her mother. I remember how different Caroline started to act. She seemed happier, until her father came to apologise to her. He told her that everything she knew was a lie, and that he had never hit her, and that her mother had given her those thoughts."

Chris didn't know what he should think. He understood why Caroline wouldn't talk about her past. "He is a maniac. But now she hasn't spoken to him for years, and I hope he never contacts her again. I think he is in prison at the moment, I'm not entirely sure." Emma continued.

"Thank you for telling me this," Chris smiled at Emma, grateful that Caroline had told her to tell him about her past. Now he just needed to figure out who Simon was and if he was any threat to him.

They sat in silence for a while. It wasn't awkward, it was a comfortable silence, Chris needed the time to process what he had been told. He just fell more in love with Caroline. How she could be smiling and be a sunshine after everything she had gone through, he couldn't understand.

"I heard you told her that you love her." Emma broke the silence and Chris blushed, something he rarely did.

"Do you think she heard me?" Emma shook her head.

"No, she sleeps like a baby, I think you are good." Emma placed her now empty glass on the floor beside the leaning chair she was sitting in. "But, if you ever hurt her, I will rip your balls off and cut off your dick, and chop them all up and feed them to Nøkken. And then I will feed you to him as well. Do you understand? Even though I really like you, I will always be on her side, no matter what."

Chris laughed. "I understand. Well I don't understand what this Nøkken is, but I guess I won't take any chances."

"Nøkken is a creature that lives in small rivers, ponds and lakes in Norway, and his only goal is to drown you. I wouldn't want to meet him if I was you. He is dangerous." Caroline was standing in the doorway of the living room looking at Chris and Emma.

" Caroline was standing in the doorway of the living room looking at Chris and Emma

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Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now