55 | Do Over's

366 23 46

March 31st 2021

Caroline Danielsen

I was excited to go out with Chris. To be honest I had missed him. That first week we were separated was so hard. I was crying almost every night, and had nightmares. It got to that point where Jared had to prescribe medication to me for me to be able to relax.

"I don't know what to wear, Rick." He was laying on the bed in the guest room I had been borrowing for the last three months. "Can't you just go naked? I'm sure he will like that." I gave him a stern look. "Not the time for your jokes, Rick. I am being serious. Help me."

Rick stood up from his spot and walked over to me where I was standing in a pile of clothes in my underwear. He leaned down and picked up a high-waisted blue pair of mom jeans and a black blouse. "Here, wear this."

"Thank you," I kissed him on the cheek before walking out into the hallway and into the bathroom to get changed. I decided on braiding my hair into two dutch braids. Jared was already waiting for me by the door, with the car keys in his hands.


The drive to Chris' house felt like hours, I was so nervous. Jared parked the car in the driveway waiting for me to get out of the car. "Text me when I should pick you up tonight, okay?" Jared gave me a quick hug before I stepped out of the car as I nodded. "Yes. See you later."

I walked around the car and as I started on the few steps up the little stair Jared rolled his window down and shouted after me. "Remember to use protection!" I laughed loudly before turning back and rang the bell on the wall beside the door. I could hear Dodger barking from inside, and footsteps coming towards the door.

Chris came into view as he opened the door. Dodger jumped straight onto me. He had missed me, that much I understood. I sat down and petted him behind his ears. "I've missed you too buddy." Standing back up Chris smiled at me. "Hi."

"Hi." An awkward silence settled over us, and we were just staring at each other. He was the first to break the silence."You know you can just walk right in here? This is your home as much as it's mine. Can I take your coat?" He helped me off with my jacket. "Stunning as always." Chris commented earning a blush from me.

"Aren't we going out?" I questioned him. "I thought I was being very specific when I said 'take me out'?"

Chris laughed softly at me. "Good to know you are still the same person, Line." I raised my brows at him when he didn't answer my question. "No, I thought we could spend the evening here. It's much easier to 'take you out' here." He winked with one eye and I took the reference.

"Not literally take me out, Chris. I wasn't planning on dying today." I laughed as I walked into the kitchen where it smelled delicious. "What have you made?" I found a tomato bite in the salad and popped it into my mouth. I was about to take another bite when Chris slapped my hand playfully away.

"Don't eat out of the salad, babe." Chris placed it on the kitchen table which he had decorated in a romantic way. With candles and roses. You know, the full package. "I've made lasagne. Thought it would make you confess your feelings for me once more." He smirked at me and I giggled. It was nice being with him again.

"Please, sit down." Chris gestured to the table before he took out the lasagna from the oven and placed it down on the table.

"Where have your manners gone, Evans?" He took my hint because he held out the chair for me and pushed me and the chair closer to the table after I had sat down. "See, there you go. That wasn't that hard was it? Good boy."

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now