12 | The Morning After

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Monday November 11th 6 am

Waking up to the sound of my alarm with the worst headache ever, is not a combo I recommend. I could barely remember anything from the day before. On my nightstand there were two notes and some Aspirin and a glass of water.

Eat me.

Drink me.

"Don't mind if I do." I tried to move but realised that someone was holding an arm over my stomach. Turning to see who was laying beside me, I almost choked on my own spit. Chris was laying in my bed in only his underwear. Did that mean we hooked up last night? I tried to remove his hand from me as carefully as I could without waking him up.

I was relieved when I saw I still had my dress on and a quick check if I still had my underwear on - which I did, made me certain that nothing had happened. It didn't hurt down south when I moved, so I was now super sure about my theory. I took the one Aspirin tablet and drank the water. I snuck out of my bedroom and into the bathroom undressing and stepped into the shower.

Walking into my kitchen I was met with Chris standing over my stove cooking, shirtless. I found my computer in my bag at my door and sat down at the kitchen island and started to reply to some emails for Chris.

He had only one episode left for the show, and they were hoping to finish it today. I was supposed to find hotel rooms for Chris during his press tour, and schedule his interviews. "Good morning, sunshine," I couldn't look at him. "How are you feeling?"

"I could be better to be honest. You?" I looked up from my computer when Chris placed a plate of food down in front of me. I hated fried eggs, and bacon, it was even worse. "You don't like it do you?" Chris was about to take my plate, but I stopped him.

"No, no, it's great! Thank you." I lied and started to eat. I tried to not look disgusted when I chewed it. It was just horrible. And it wasn't because he was a bad cook, I just simply couldn't stand fried eggs and bacon.

But if I didn't like it, why did I have both eggs and bacon in my fridge?

This wasn't the only thing I did not like. There were so many things; Chris Evans - obviously, there was a truth to that one, obviously, eggs, bacon, soda, people who lie, mess, stuck up people, olives and seafood except fish.

"Chris?" He sat down on the opposite side of the island. "Did we...you know...sleep together last night? The last thing I remember is talking with what was apparently your brother." I closed my eyes and crossed my fingers waiting for his answer.

He just laughed. "No, we did not sleep together, Princess."

"What do you mean we did not sleep together? Did we do something else?" I started to freak out. "You were in only your underwear with an arm over me, when I woke up this morning."

"We didn't do anything, Sweetheart. You asked if I could stay with you. But you said something about your boyfriend though." I widened my eyes.


"What did I say?" Chris just shook his head. "All I'm saying is that you should consider talking to him." And with that he left me in the kitchen while he walked into my bedroom to get dressed.

We drove in silence and I texted Rick and told him that he didn't have to worry about me not being on the tram this morning. I knew he would worry if I didn't update him. He had been overprotecting since the day he found me on the bedroom floor in my apartment. He cared so much. Also a sign that Scott had told me about.

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now