42 | Building Cars And Giraffes

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"Du kødda med meg," I looked at Gustav in disbelief. Me and Chris were leaving in a few days, and Gustav had told me he needed to tell me something important. But never had I imagined that he was going to tell me this. "You got your girlfriend pregnant? You do know how old you are, right?" He had just told me that Amalie, his girlfriend, was pregnant.

"You don't think I'm able to do this, do you?" He raised his voice at me. "You are as bad as mor. But I'm gonna show you that I will stick with Amalie through all of it. Even when she has to push that baby out of her I will be there for her. I thought that you would at least support me." He stood up from his spot and marched into his room, slamming his door shut.

"Well that didn't go as planned," I mumbled to myself standing up from my spot as well and walked into the kitchen where Chris was helping my mother with the dishes. I smiled at them as they talked. I grabbed a grape and popped it into my mouth. Chris turned around and smiled at me.

"Welcome to the family Chris. As you can see we are all dysfunctional." I took another grape, biting it in half.

"Caroline Danielsen." My mother looked strictly at me.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows at her. "It's true. And I was being supportive of Gustav. It just shocked me, he is to young to be having sex with anyone."

"Remember that you had sex when you were younger than him. Go make up with him now."

"Yes, I know. But then again I was stupid and made stupid decisions when I was younger. And besides, I don't think he wants to see me at the moment." I put the rest of my grape into my mouth. Chris came over and rubbed my shoulders.

"If you want, I can go talk to him? You know man to man."

"Thank you Christopher," My mother smiled at him. "That would be nice." Chris nodded before he started to walk out of the kitchen. He almost collided with Adrian who came running through the door, excited to show me something he held in his hands.

"Easy there, tiger." Chris smiled at him, showing that he wasn't mad at him.

"I'm sorry."

Adrian came walking over to me and placed the beginning of a Lego car on the kitchen island in front of me. "Look, Cee, I have my own Lego car. Do you like it?"

I smiled softly at him. "That's so cool. Of course I like it. I do like cars. And legos."

"Can you come build Legos with me in my room? Please?" He looked at me hopefully. I ruffled his hair before answering. "Of course I can, Adrian. It would be my pleasure to be your assistant for the day." I jumped down from my bar stool, before he almost dragged me with him to his room.


Chris Evans

"Thank you for being so good to Caroline, Christopher." Monica looked at Chris with a genuine smile. "I haven't seen her smile a real smile since she was little. I appreciate that."

Chris nodded at Monica and sat down in the same high chair that Caroline had been sitting in. "Do you want a cup of coffee? Or tea?" Monica was pouring herself a cup and Chris nodded. "Coffee sounds nice."

He watched Caroline's mother finding a cup for him before pouring the hot liquor in it and handing the mug to Chris. "Thank you." He smiled softly at her as she sat down opposite him at the island. Chris started to think.

He wanted to ask Monica for her blessing to marry Caroline. He would have asked Frank, her father, but that wasn't actually an option. Maybe in a different life that would have been possible. But not in this one. He played a game of what ifs in his head. What if she said no? What if she meant that he wasn't good enough for her daughter? What if he did get her blessing, but Caroline said no? What if her mother didn't want Caroline to marry someone famous?

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now