1 | The Beginning part 2

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I laid in bed beside Christopher trying to catch my breath. He had just emptied himself inside me and now he was fast asleep, and I needed to get back to my hotel. It was strange, but it was relaxing to just lay beside him, hearing his breath in steady paces.

Deciding that I couldn't stay here forever, I stood up and the pain between my legs was evidence enough to what had just happened. I tried to ignore the pain as I found my clothes scattered around on the floor. I put my bra back on and slipped my dress over my head.

Christopher had ripped my panties apart so I picked them up and put them in my purse and put my shoes back on before ordering an Uber to take me back to the hotel. I looked one last time at Christopher. He looked so peaceful where he laid. He had taken a pillow in his arm, and his face didn't have the same cold expression I had seen earlier. Maybe he was a kind person after all?

I checked the time on my phone when I was in the Uber. The time showed two am. After a quick maths equation I figured the clock was eight in the morning back home and Emma was probably already at work and I decided to call in the morning.


Back at the hotel I kicked my shoes off and got changed into my pyjamas - panties and an oversized t-shirt. I was one of those people that didn't like wearing clothes when I was sleeping. I pulled the cover over myself and fell asleep happy about the evening's outcome.

I got pulled from my sleep when my phone started ringing. Letting out a loud groan picking my phone up I looked at who the id-caller was before I answered it. Emma's face lit up the screen.

"Where did you go?" She was loud and she talked in English which surprised me, my head could not handle it.

"It's fricking," I checked the clock on my phone. "Three in the morning. And why are you speaking English?" A small face appeared on the screen. "Hei, tante Line." Her daughter, Sofia, smiled big at me. "Hei, Sofia," I said back trying to seem sober, which was way harder than I had thought it was going to be.

Emma said something to Sofia that I could not comprehend and I closed my eyes for a while. Sofia was Emma's daughter from her previous relationship and she was three years old, and just the cutest thing ever. Even though she wasn't planned, an accident if you would like, Emma always said she never would have changed having her. It was probably one of the best things that had happened to her.

I had been co-parenting Sofia since her birth, and I loved her as my own. I had Sofia, and to be honest, that was enough for me. I had been through it all with her. Every ultrasound, morning sickness, her birth, you name it.

"Hello? Earth to Carro?" I turned on the nightstand lamp and rubbed the grogginess out of my eyes as Emma gasped. "What the hell happened to your neck, Caroline?"

I stood up and went to the mirror in the bathroom and looked at my neck. It had sucking marks all over it and so did my collarbones. And I could see a faint bruise from where Christopher had held my throat.

"I just had the best s-e-x of my life, Ems. No big deal." That made her worried expression turn into a look that said tell me everything.

"Who was he? Was he good? How many times did he make you cum? You are lucky...last time I got into bed with someone was the night Sofia got conceived. Tell me everything." I laughed at her enthusiasm.

"His name was Christopher, I have no idea how old he was...maybe thirty three, thirty four...I'm not sure, but sure thing did he make me feel good. Oboy did he make me cum. And he was so dominant. He knew what he was doing. He was definitely experienced." I smiled at the memory of how Christopher had made me feel.

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now