29 | I Love You

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"Caroline," Chris started. "This is Scarlett Johanson. She is a really good friend of mine. It's good to finally see you again." He kissed Scarlet on the cheek. "It's good to see you too Chris." She smiled at me. "Hi, Caroline. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. Chris has talked alot about you." I smiled at her. "You too. I am needed in makeup. I will catch up with you later." Chris kissed me and I went to the makeup and hair-trailer. It had been nearly an hour when Chris came in. I was reading in my book while my curls were setting.

Chris settled down in the chair beside me. "I know you don't like meeting new people, sweetheart. But how do you feel about Scarlett? She is really kind and I am sure she will make you feel safe on set. She is very easy to work with."

"She seemed nice. And I'm a huge fan of hers. I really loved the movie Rough Night." He placed his hand on my thigh. "Good, that's good." His thumb was rubbing in circles. Then it clicked for me. "Oboy. You have had sex with her, haven't you?" I laughed. That was why he suddenly felt the need to know where I stood, and how I was feeling. "Yes, but it was a long time ago. And it didn't mean anything. Does it bother you? We are just very good friends now, and she is also married and has two kids."

I shook my head. "No, Evans. You don't have to worry about me. It doesn't bother me at all. I know that you can just be friends with the opposite sex. My best friend, on the other hand, will freak out if I ever tell her. And I know she is married with kids. I have done my research. You should know this about me by now, Evans. What am I going to do with you?" Chris laughed.

I wanted to tell him that I loved him. I just didn't know how. It shouldn't be so hard to tell him that I loved him. What if he didn't love me back? What if when I said it he would leave me? What if he ran? What if I told him and I would leave? What if I tell him I love him, and I change my mind? I didn't think I would change my mind. What if he told me back, and then he would change his mind? What if I tell him, and we get married? I wasn't ready for that. What if...?

I needed to make a pro's and con's list for if I should tell him or not. Look at every possible outcome of me telling him it. Maybe I could make a spreadsheet? A Word document? There were many options. I just needed to find-

"What book are you reading?" Chris saved me from my train of thoughts. I held up the book and showed him the front cover. Chris took the book from my hands and read the back cover. "Is it any good?"

"No, it's so bad," Chris handed me the book back and I placed my marker on the page I was on. I closed the book and placed it on the tabletop infront of me. "I really hate it." My hairdresser, Liam, came back into my trailer and removed my rollers from my hair. "If you don't like the book, why are you reading it?" How was I supposed to tell him this?

"Beauce I have to," I started picking my book back up and opened it again. "Because I have already started on it. If I quit now my mom..." I trailed off looking down, looking at the page I tried to read the words there, but it was just all a blur. "Why do you have to read it, Sweetheart?" Chris tried. I just shook my head. This wasn't a conversation I wanted to have with him right now. I needed to be focused on this movie. "I don't wanna talk about it."

"Don't shut me out, Caroline. We have talked about this," Chris looked at Liam before he looked back at me and Liam slipped out the door. "Why do you have to finish reading the book, if you don't like it?" I avoided looking at him when I told him why.


"I know you're out there," I wanted to do a happy dance when my accent was perfect. It was so awesome working with Scarlett. Chris was right, Scarlett was so easy to work with, she made me forget that I needed to be perfect. And when we messed up, which we did multiple times, we just laughed. It was a good day.

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now