63 | It's You and Me part 1

358 18 60

September 6th 2022

Have you ever had that feeling, the feeling of being excited and scared at the same time? Like if you mess up now, you will mess everything up? Everything depends on how this day goes. The last year had gone by so fast, and suddenly, here I was, sitting in my bridal suit getting ready.

I had told both Chris and Emma that I didn't want anything big, that only a small wedding would do. Did they listen? No. Not at all. Emma had eventually kicked Chris off the project as well. It only took her three months before Chris got kicked off.

Of course, I had offered to help on multiple occasions, but Emma had refused to let me help, much to my disliking. I hated not having control, but I had to trust Emma, and I did. She had stepped up, planned the menu, the venue, my bachelorette party, and she told me it would be perfect.

"Don't run around, Sofia," Emma scolded Sofia. "You are going to fall and ruin your look. We need the wedding to be perfect."

"I'm sorry, mommy." Sofia stopped and hung her head down. I held out my hands to her, and she walked over to me before I pulled her into my lap. Sofia giggled when she looked at me. I couldn't blame her.

I looked like a crazy lady with my face half done in makeup, my hair in all different directions. Emma huffed as she tried to tame my hair. "What have you done, Carro? I'm a lot of things, but not a magician. I'm not sure if there is anything for me to do about your appearance."

"Don't say that," I let out a heartwarmed laugh and put my hand to my heart. "I trusted you."

"Yes, I trusted myself as well. But you look like someone dragged you through a bush during the night. Have you not slept? I told you to go to bed early last night, didn't I?"

My face scrunched up in embarrassment. I had slept, but not until late. Something, or more correctly someone, had kept me up late. "I did sleep. Eventually."

"What did you do, Caroline?"

I covered Sofia's ears with my hands. She did not need to hear this. She looked up at me, before she looked back down to where she was unbuttoning and buttoning the button on my rope over and over again. It was fairly easy to keep a four year old occupied.

"I might have had phone sex with Chris."

"Sofia, leave the room." Sofia got down from my lap. But before she was able to walk away from us, Emma wrote a note and gave it to her. "Give uncle Chris this note from me, okay sweetie?"

Sofia nodded before she ran out of the room. I could hear her giggles down the hallway before I looked up at Emma again through the mirror. Her face told me she was not impressed by my doings.

"I'm sorry...?" I tried. "It just happened, okay? A year is a very long time. And we have had sex during, once, five weeks ago."

"You brought this upon yourself, babe." Emma shook her head as she found the curling iron, completely ignoring me telling her, me and Chris did have sex. "I told you your idea of no sex before the wedding was a bad idea. But did you listen to me? No! Of course you didn't. You never listen to me, do you? Good thing I love you, and that I am an expert at hair and makeup. Let's get this kråkereir handled, shall we?"

I nodded as she laughed. "Make me pretty again, Ems."

She was halfway done with my hair when I noticed something in my makeup bag, when I was looking for my lip balm. "What day is it?" I looked up at Emma through the mirror.

"You are getting married, and don't know what day it is?" Emma held my curl so it could set.

"What date is it Emma?" She noticed where my eyes went and she nodded.

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن