28 | These Are My Limits

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This chapter is made of pure smut with some fluff at the end. I hope you will enjoy.


Caroline Danielsen

"What did you say?" Chris looked at me in disbelief. I straddled his lap and started to kiss him all over his face. "I said," Kiss. "Fuck me," Another kiss on his sweet spot under his ear. "Bearded Steve Rogers."

I laid myself over his lap with my hand over my forehead. "I mean it. Nomad Steve is the hottest type of Steve. If he was real, I wouldn't even think about catching two flies before I would sleep with him. Maybe I could shift realities? That would give me an opportunity to sleep with him. Imagine me going to him and get fucked by him and then come back here to get fucked by you."

Chris rolled me under him on my sofa and started to kiss my throat. He moved his hand painfully slowly for my knee up my thigh, but stopped before he came to where I needed him to touch me the most. "Fuck me, Chris." I begged. I was finished with him not wanting to have sex with me. I knew he wanted to be sure I was ready again, but a girl had her needs.

"What do you say?" Chris squeezed my thigh and bent it up to my stomach, giving him better access to my heated core. "Can you please fuck me, daddy?" I hated that term. "I'm never going to say that again. Ever."

"I just needed the please. Are you sure you are ready for this?" I nodded and pulled him down for a kiss. He brought his hand back to my thigh and moved it up and in between my legs again and started to rub small circles on my clit on the outside of my leggings I was wearing. "You think I can make you cum like that?" He half promised.

"I don't think so," I went into brat mode. Something I didn't know I could do. "I don't think you are capable of it." He pressed harder and I tilted my head backwards. "Is that a challenge, Princess?" His eyes had darkened. I nodded. "Words, you little insatiable brat."

"Yes, it's a challenge, and I don't think you can do it." His hand moved faster and I started to pant. "Challenge accepted, little girl." I loved him like this. I loved him. He placed wet kisses to my throat and found my sweet spot behind my ear. I bucked my hips up against his hand, he rubbed small, fast and hard circles on my clit. I pulled his lips to mine and slipped my tongue inside his mouth.

He soon took the dominance over the kiss and he brought me over the edge. He pulled away and looked at me. Dominance dripping of his next words. "Did you just cum without my permission, Caroline?" I turned my head not looking at him. I knew what I was doing, I was playing a game. A game that I knew I wasn't going to win, and Chris knew that.

He grabbed my chin and turned my head back to his face, forcing me to look at him. "I asked you a question, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did." I countered back. Still not answering his question. I was playing a dangerous game, and I was loving it. His hand slipped under my shirt and pinched my nipple through my bra. "When I ask you a question, I expect you to answer me. You give me no choice but to punish you." Excitement went straight to my core, sending a wave of arousal.

"I guess you just have to do that then." I shrugged my shoulders. He squeezed my breast before he pulled away. I whimpered at the loss of his touch. "Don't pout at me, Line," Chris pulled me up from the sofa and threw me over his shoulder and slapped my ass. "You brought this upon yourself."

He walked us into my bedroom before he released me on the bed. I bounced before I stilled, looking up at Chris, I smiled. "Before we start, I need to know if there is anything that is off limits? I need to know what Simon did, so I won't trigger you." I sat up and moved myself to the end of the bed and pulled Chris down to my eye level. I placed my hands on his cheeks.

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now