61 | Pitch Perfect part 1

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June 15th, 2021, 10 am

Caroline Danielsen

It had been a few months, and me and Chris were back to normal. I had finally started to trust him again, and we were doing better than ever. It helped to talk about it one session a week with a couple's therapist. She had given us some tools to work through hard days.

My birthday was tomorrow, and it was warm outside. I had nothing planned for the day or my birthday, other than spending the time with Chris and Dodger. My family including Emma and Sofia had planned to visit, but their plane had gotten cancelled, making them unable to come. It was sad, but that was just how it was supposed to be this time, I supposed.

Dodger was laying with his head in my lap while I scratched his head. My other hand was holding a book while I read the pages. Chris had told me he was going for a run, but that I could just sleep in. Something I did. I slept until eight am.

It felt good to be spending the morning alone in bed. The sun shone in through the window and into the room. It was a beautiful day, and it was getting even more beautiful in a couple of hours, without me even knowing it at this moment.

"You want me to read to you Dodger?" He lifted his head like he knew what I was saying. I had been teaching him Norwegian in secret. He was a very smart dog and was a quick learner. "It's in Norwegian, but you are a smart dog, and I'm sure you will understand it."

Dodger licked my cheek, as I began to read out loud. "Okay, are you ready Dodger? This book is very exciting. 'Adpotivforeldrene,'  sa Will. 'Ja, da visste han helt sikkert hvem han skulle kontakte i Underverdenen for å lære om svartekunst.'. 'Urettmessig død," sa Tessa forsiktig. 'Hva betyr det egentlig?'. 'Det betyr at han tror skyggejegerne drepte foreldrene hans til tross for at de ikke hadde brutt noen lov," sa Charlotte."

I kept on petting Dodger on his head, until he fell asleep. Manoeuvring him off me, I walked into the bathroom.

I brushed through my hair before stripping down to my underwear, I found a towel and placed it on the lid of the toilet. Taking off my underwear I threw it in the laundry basket beside the bathroom counter, before stepping into the shower.


I was making myself some breakfast, when the doorbell sounded through the house. I let the toaster toast my bread. Walking to the front door I wasn't going to believe who was standing in front of me.

"Mor? What are you doing here?" I smiled big when I saw that my mom was standing on the other side of the door. I stood there dumbfounded, not believing my own eyes, rubbing them before I opened them again. Yes, she was still there.

"Aren't you going to let me in? And why aren't you ready?" My mother looked at me with a stern look. Not what I was hoping for when we hadn't seen each other for months, but I stepped aside so she could walk inside the house.

"Ready for what?" I questioned her and walked back into the kitchen to take my toast out of the toaster and placed it on a plate. I sat down at the table and started to eat.

"I'm taking you to the theatre. Haven't Christopher told you that?" My mom started to do the dishes. No, Chris hadn't said anything about that.

"No, he hasn't. Are you taking me to see Hamilton? I've heard they are in town." I finished half my toast before I couldn't get any more down. It had been like that for the last few months. I hadn't been able to hold my food down for long, it didn't taste good. My mom disappeared up the stairs and I put my plate in the sink after placing the left overs in a container and placing them in the refrigerator, before I followed after her.

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now