10 | Boyfriend and Girlfriend

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Hey guys! Before anyone comes after me in the comments; I know Chris Evans is born in 1981. But in this story he is born in 1986 and Caroline is born in 1995.


Friday November 8th 9 am

Caroline Danielsen

It has been about two months since I started my job as Chris Evans personal assistant. I had been going out with Rick for a month and a half. I hadn't told anyone about the event with Simon, and Simon hadn't reached out to me ever since. 

Walking into Chris' trailer I smiled. I was surprisingly happy to see him.

"Good morning, Mr. Evans." I smiled. "How are we feeling today? I have your schedule for you. Here." I gave him a copy of my calendar and he took it. Our fingertips brushed against each other and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I ignored them and started to tell him about his day. He interrupted me.

"How many times? It is Chris to you." His blue eyes graced into my eyes. The tension between us was thick. "Do I call you Ms. Danielsen, hm?" I shook my head. "No, you don't. But here's the thing, Mr. Evans, you are my boss. I'm supposed to call you Mr. Evans."

"It makes me feel old." Oh.

"How old are you? Fourty? Fifty?" I knew he was thirty-three, but I loved to provoke him. I shouldn't have done that. He pushed me up against the wall, his hands on either side of my head, caging me in. 

"I'm thirty-three. Born in 1986, not 1976. There is a difference. Don't test me today, little girl." He used my nickname he had on me. The one that made my underwear wet and my throat to go dry. But it didn't stop me.

"See, you are old," I fired back. "A fossil."

"Kiss me." My throat went dry again. Did he just say...? "W-what?"

"I said kiss me." So I didn't imagine that.

"T-this is highly inappropriate. You are my boss." He pressed his body even closer to mine.

"Are you seeing someone, Caroline?" His lips grazed mine. He tasted like cigarettes and mint, and a taste that was just him.

"It's complicated." I told him the truth. It was complicated between me and Rick, but it was also complicated between me and him as well. Even though I had been going on a few dates with Rick, we hadn't put a label on our relationship. So technically I was still single. 

And if I was being honest with myself, I couldn't quite picture a future with Rick, or at least not in a romantic relationship. 

"It's not complicated." Chris pulled away from me and I missed the feeling of him against me. What was wrong with me? Like seriously. Something was not in the right space. 

"What do you mean 'it's not complicated'? Of course it is complicated. Everything is complicated." I could hear Chris sighed. "It's not complicated, Line. Either you are seeing someone or you don't. It is that simple. So, again: are you seeing someone?" Whatever.

"Yes, I'm kinda seeing someone. You need to go, you have your suit-fitting for the People's Choice Awards ceremony. And you need to find a date." I hushed him out of his trailer. He mumbled under his breath, not for me to hear, but I catched what he was saying anyway. "I have already found someone. But I'm sure she won't go with me." He started to walk away and I called out after him.

"Ask her again. Maybe she just got shocked because it was you. Maybe she will say yes this time?" I could see he shook his head before he disappeared from my sight. He was a sight for sore eyes. That was for sure.

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now