62 | It Has Been 13 148 719.2 Seconds

370 19 65

August 21st 2021

I walked into the living room, when I had finished showering after my run. My mood had changed, when I couldn't find my engagement ring. I never lost things, but lately my brain seemed to never remember where I put things. Chris was laying on the sofa with his laptop in his lap. He had started a new business, called A Starting Point, and was busy trying to launch that, while planning the wedding with Emma.

I had tried to help with the wedding planning, but they both had refused to let me help.

I sat down on the end of the sofa where Chris had his feets. Placing a pillow in my lap I pulled my legs into my body and placed my chin on my right knee. I started to think about where I had it last.

"What's wrong baby?" Chris closed his laptop and placed it on the coffee table before looking at me.

"You are going to hate me, Chris." I mumbled and he sat up and rubbed a hand on my back.

"I'm not going to hate you, Line." He kissed the top of my head. "Tell me what's going on."

"I lost my engagement ring. I'm so sorry. I'm a horrible fiancé." I could feel the tears prickling behind my eyes, and I used every power in the cells in my body to not start crying. "If you want to leave me I understand that."

Chris stood up from the sofa and stretched his hand out for me to take. I took it and he helped me to stand up. "I'm not going to leave you just because of a ring. I love you, and your forgetful brain isn't going to change that."

I nodded as he continued. "Let's trace your steps back to where you had it last, okay? So where did you have it first this morning?"

"On the nightstand." He dragged me up the stairs and into the bedroom.

"Walk me through it, baby."

"Okay. So I woke up this morning and took it off the nightstand and I took it on before going to the toilet and then I walked down to the kitchen and made myself breakfast." We walked down the stairs again and into the kitchen.

"Then what happened?" Chris leaned against the refrigerator.

"I went for a run, and before that I took the ring off and put it on my necklace around my neck. I took that off before showering. And put it back on." I explained as we walked into the bathroom and demonstrated how I put on my necklace again.

Chris looked at me, like he was waiting for me to realise that I still had the necklace with the ring around my neck. "That was what happened. I understand if you hate me. I hate myself for losing something so important. What a fiancé I am."

"Caroline?" Chris' voice was soft. I looked up from the floor at him and he placed a hand under my chin.

"What Chris? What? Are you going to yell at me? Because I said I was sorry."

"Caroline. What's hanging around your neck?" I moved my hands to feel my necklace hanging there. I pulled it out from between my sweater and my skin, only to see that the ring was in fact hanging on it like it had since my run.

"Oh," I felt so stupid and started to cry. "I'm sorry. I'm just on my period and it hurts so bad, and I'm super emotional."

Chris pulled me to his chest and wrapped his hands around me intertwining his fingers together behind my back. He let me cry it out, before I pulled away from him and took the necklace and removed the ring from it and put it back on my finger.

"It's okay, Sweetheart. Do you need anything?"

I nodded. "Can you teach me how to cook? So I know how to not burn the food?"

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now