57 | The Oscars

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April 25th 2021, The Oscars, 7:45 pm

The Oscar's had arrived, and I was sitting in the dressing room getting my makeup done. They had kept my hair simple and let my natural curls flow freely down my back. I hadn't seen Chris since our failed date. He had called me multiple times, and I had every phone call go to voicemail.

"Have you practised your speech?" My agent asked me as she came into the dressing room. She was a lovely lady, and this was the last time we would work together. I didn't want to be an actress, and therefore I didn't need a manager. "I don't see why that should be necessary, Athena."

"Do I really have to say this again?" She smiled at me as she sighed. "There is a big chance you could win tonight, Caroline. Have you practised?" I nodded, as I put on my shoes. They were black simple strap heels. High enough heel to give me a little height, but not so much that I would fall over. "Yes, I have practised. But I really don't think I will win. There are so many other talented actresses that are nominated."

There was a knock on the door, and Sebastian poked his head in. "Everyone is waiting for you Caroline. Are you ready soon?" I laughed at his eagerness. We had agreed on going together as friends, since neither of us had dates. It was last minute. I was planning on going with Chris, but that wasn't happening. "I'm ready. So impatient."

I walked over to the door and Sebastian held his arm out for me and I wrapped my elbow in his. He walked us over to my car, a black SUV and helped me inside of it. Before he closed the door he smiled at me. "I will meet you at the venue." I nodded as he closed the door, leaving me alone in the car with another girl.

"Hi," I smiled at her. She looked to be around the same age as me. She had long coal coloured hair, which she had in a high ponytail. She had a simple long black dress on, and had small dimples on her cheek when she smiled back at me. "Hi, I'm Maria, and I will be your assistant for the night." She took my hand as I held it out to her. "Nice to meet you, Maria. I'm Caroline. You can call me Carro if you like."

"I'm supposed to call you Ms. Danielsen." She told me quietly. "You are my boss tonight. It wouldn't be appropriate for me to call you by your first name. I don't want to get fired."

"What if I don't want you to call me Ms. Danielsen?" In my eyes that was wrong. Even though I was supposedly her boss for the night, it made me feel like I wasn't a person when she called me by my last name. I knew she had to call me that for courtesy reasons, but I didn't want her to feel like I had any authority over her. "How about you call me Caroline, or Carro, when it's just the two of us, and Ms. Danielsen when there are people that can hear you around?"

I could see her think about it, her eyes narrowing as she looked at me. Trying to see if I was joking. I could understand her concern, I would have done the same. People could easily fool you and then fire you. "I'm not going to fire you for not calling me Ms. Danielsen. And if anyone says anything about it, I will personally tell them it was my command."

"Okay," She finally agreed. "Can I ask you why you don't want me to call you Ms. Danielsen?" I nodded before I answered. "Because first of all it makes me feel old. It's just something about it I can't quite explain. And second it makes me feel more important than I am." Maria nodded and opened the door before walking over to my side and opened the door for me. The paparazzi were already outside, waiting with their cameras to capture pictures of me.

Sebastian was standing a few metres away from them and he waved at me, when he saw me stepping out of the car. I smiled and waved a small wave back at him. Maria was walking a few steps behind me, making sure I was okay, but not stepping into my spotlight. Not that I would mind if she did. This was overwhelming enough.

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora