31 | I Will Find You

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Scarlett Johansson

It was with a heavy heart I walked the pathway up to Chris' house. I had done as Caroline had asked me. I had waited two hours. Those were the two longest hours of my life, I had just spent the time sitting in my car in the parking lot at the airport.

I knocked three times on his front door and took a step back waiting for him to open. He opened the door with a smile, but as soon as he saw my face his smile dropped. "Scarlett? What are you doing here? I thought you were Caroline." I swallowed hard, what to come next was not something I wanted to do.

"I'm sorry Chris," I could see his eyes watering. "I'm so sorry."

"Where is my girlfriend? Where is Caroline?"

"She left," I wanted to tell him other news. I had seen how Caroline had changed my best friend. "I'm so sorry. She wanted me to give you this." I handed him the letter she had written for him.

Chris took it from me with shaky hands before he threw himself into my arm and broke down.

Two and a half hour earlier

"You sure you wanna do this, Line?" I turned my head to look at Caroline who just looked empty in front of her. She was leaving, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I had tried to call Chris, but she had stopped me. Even threaten to kill me if I did. "No, but I know I have to."

I turned my head back to the road in front of me. "I'm sure you can work it through. You don't have to leave. Please stay Caroline. Chris needs you." A silent tear fell down Caroline's cheek, but she wiped it quickly away before she turned to me. "I know Scarlett. But I have to. I need to save them. This is the only way."

I never got to know what Caroline meant by that. I never got to know how she got abused as a child, and how her father now had threatened to kill her mother if she didn't come home right away. If I did I would have stopped her. In the short amount of time I had known her, she had become like a sister to me.

I parked the car and helped her with her luggage to the entrance. "Okay, what do you need me to do?" Caroline handed me a folded paper. "I need you to give Chris this letter, and tell him that I love him."

When we parted from our hug I could see Caroline had tears in her eyes. "Hey," I placed my hands on either side of her face. "It will be okay. He loves you and he will understand." Or so I hoped.

Walking back to the car my tears came streaming down my face. This was going to be so hard.


"Did she say where she was going?" Chris looked at me with hopeful eyes. I hated to break his heart. "No, I'm sorry. She just asked me to drive her to the airport and then come here and give you the letter and tell you that she loves you."

"Oh, thank you," Chris looked at the paper in his hand before he looked back up at me. His eyes were full of sorrow. "Can you please leave? I need to be alone." I nodded.

"Of course," I turned around. Walking a few steps I turned around and looked at him. He still had his face down looking at the letter. "Please don't do anything stupid. She wouldn't have wanted that."

"You know me." Chris answered me looking up with a tear coming down his cheek. I had never seen him cry before Caroline. She had really changed him.

"Unfortunately I do," I whispered to myself before I got into my car.

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now