36 | I'm Sorry, There Was Nothing More We Could Do

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I was rushed to the hospital, and Chris was by my side through all of it. I was in and out of consciousness throughout the ambulance ride. When we arrived at the hospital I was rushed into surgery. They put me under and I was out for hours.

While I was in surgery Chris was pacing back and forth out in the waiting area. If I died now, he wouldn't survive. Chris had called Emma, and she had dropped everything in her hands. She knew something Chris didn't know, something I had only told to her. Besides I hadn't told her that I was back in town, so when she heard I was and that I was at the hospital she grabbed Sofia and got into her car. Breaking about every rule and speed limit on her way.

She was out of breath when she entered the hospital, Sofia was crying in her arms, but soon stopped when Emma put her down on the little playground they had. Emma walked straight over to Chris and pulled him into a hug.

"She is a fighter, Chris." Emma knew me, she knew that I wouldn't just give up. "She will come back to us. She has to, because if she doesn't I'm going to kill her myself in hell." We always joked about going to hell. She always told me that if one of us died and was going to hell, it would be her. But I wasn't a saint myself, even though I acted like one.

"I don't know if she has ever told you this," Emma looked at my boyfriend, in the beginning she had wanted to fuck him as just as much as I wanted, now she looked at him like he was her brother. They had become so close, and it warmed my heart to see them bicker back and forth. It had often been that Chris had taken my phone from me while I was on FaceTime with Emma and started to argue with her for no reason.

"Caroline hates to be taken care of. Like she really hates it. She says it's against her being a strong and independent woman or some shit like that. But I don't think that she realises that she can still be cared for and be strong and independent." Emma laughed at the memory of when I fell in the woods in seventh grade, and Simon had carried me to the teachers. I wasn't hurt, I only had an abrasion on my left knee. It was no big deal. All the way I had kicked around me with my feet and arms. I was fully able to walk myself back into the school.

"What do you suggest I do?" Chris looked at Emma while thinking about how he could care for me. He needed me to survive. This couldn't be the end of our story. It just couldn't. What he didn't know was that I was fighting for my life, and that I was about to need Chris the moment I woke up from my anaesthesia, even if I didn't tell him that.

The two friends had settled down onto the sofa in the waiting room. "She is going to need you. But the moment you get too protective or too caring she will push you away. I'm warning you, when she is disabled from doing her normal things that she does during her day she is going to get scary. If I were you, I would do little things for her, but let her do the easy stuff, like clean her own plate, if she wants to make dinner, you will let her, but order a pizza or something - I can recommend Pizzabakeren, they have the best pizzas. But that's just because she is a horrible cook. But she will demand to cook, just to show that she is fine."

"But she has made me dinner before," Chris thought back to when I worked as his personal assistant. "And that tasted good."

"What did she make?" Emma questioned him.


"Was that the only thing she made?"

Chris nodded.

"Because that's the only thing she is able to not burn. But she won't be cooking that. She will be making something fancy, like steak. And if she asks you to taste, run. Run for your dear life. You won't survive that. And the most important thing. Don't look back."

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now