5 | An Unexpeted Meeting

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"You just passed the test," I smiled at him. "Good work, Rick." My hands were still around his neck, but he had moved his down to my waist.

"You told me that anyone could be a murderer, so I thought I wouldn't take any chances." He joked. "But I would love to come inside, it's just that it's getting pretty late. I have an early shift tomorrow. And to answer your other question; your id-card. It hung out of your bag one time, and I might have catched it from there." He kissed me once more before he turned around and walked down the hall to the elevator.

I unlocked the door and stepped inside and shut the door behind me. Sliding my back down it and sitting on the floor I put my head in my hands. I was falling in love, and I could not allow it.

Deciding I needed a shower to clean my thoughts I stood up and went into my bathroom and turned the shower on, setting it to a hot water setting. Stripping of my clothes I stepped into the shower. I moaned the second the boiling hot hit my skin. I closed my eyes, letting the hot water fall down my back.

I had to laugh, he was a genius. I wasn't entirely sure if I should be afraid that he had snapped my address up from my id-card and not asked me about it or...no, I didn't know.

I turned off the shower and stepped out of it tucking myself in with a fluffy towel. Drying myself off I braided my hair into to dutchbraids and went to bed. Sending a goodnight text to my mother saying that I promised to call her in the morning, I placed my phone on my nightstand and fell asleep.

That same night in Chris' apartment

Chris Evans

He had been drinking the moment he left his brother's dinner-party. Scott, his brother, had gotten a new boyfriend who had proposed to Scott and this was their engagement party. He had gotten drunk at a bar, since there was no alcohol served at the dinner.

He had gone to the same bar where he had met Caroline about a week ago. Maybe he was hoping she would show up again. Maybe he could get the chance to sleep with her again. He didn't know. She brought a side to him that he didn't quite understand himself.

He had brought a random woman home. A woman that was just glad she got to sleep with him, and didn't care if he wanted her or not. She was laid over his desk in his office while he pumped inside her with his fingers and sucked on her clit. Her moans weren't as sweet as Caroline's was. And she most definitely did not taste like her. But maybe if he just closed his eyes and imagined it was Caroline laying beneath him. It didn't take long for the woman, who he could not remember the name on, came undone under him.

Pulling his fingers out of her he pulled down his trousers along with his boxers, pumping his cock a few times before he turned the woman around pushing her front into the desktop. Rolling the condom he had retrieved from his drawer in the desk, he slammed into the from behind.

He imagined Caroline, and it only took a few pumps until he could feel he was on the brink of releasing his load into the condom.


Chris had kicked the woman out of his apartment the moment they were done. Walking to his bar in his apartment he screwed the top of the tequila bottle and took a big sip straight out of the bottle. This one-night stand was supposed to make him forget Caroline, but it hadn't helped at all. It had only made him miss her more.

He had been awful to her all week, and he felt a small amount of regret towards her. It wasn't her fault that she always was happy and acted like sunshine every goddamn minute of the day. He lov- hated it.

He took another big sip of the tequila appreciating the burn down his throat. Looking around his apartment everything seemed to remind him of her that evening.

Taking the baseball bat from that stood in the corner of his living room he started to swing it, not caring what he hit. He smashed his kitchen table, his chairs, his TV. He tore the pictures he had hanging on the wall down smashing them against the floor.

He drank about every bottle he had that contained alcohol in it, before he passed out on the floor in between the broken furniture in his apartment.

Sunday September 15th 9 am

Caroline Danielsen

I woke up with a smile, which was rare for me. Last night was a good evening. I checked my phone and smiled even more when I saw a message from my older brother.

Hope you haven't forgotten it's my birthday today, Caroline.

Of course not Adrian. Happy birthday. Glad i deg.

Do I get a gift?

Yes, Adrian. It's on its way in the mail. Don't worry.

Adrian was three years older than me and had Down's syndrome. It hasn't always been easy, even though I loved him he could be demanding. And when my parents got divorced and we got moved to our father I needed to raise him, when we were living there.

My father didn't want Adrian from the moment they found out he was going to have Down's syndrome. It didn't fit his plan in life, or some other bullshit I did not care about. Gustav was nine years younger than me, and was not planned at all.

My mother knew that my father would never let her have the baby, so when she found out she was pregnant again, she waited until it was to late to have an abortion before she told him. And his anger; that he took out on me and Adrian.

I made myself a quick breakfast, figuring if I ate fast I could even squeeze in a run before I had to go to work. It wasn't planned for me to go into work today, but I had gotten an email late last night that I was needed on set by two pm. Some of the scenes haven't turned out how they should and they needed to reshoot them today before they started shooting the next episode the following week.

Putting my hair up in a high ponytail I left my apartment. Plugging my earphones into my phone I put on my playlist and walked the short five minutes to a park near my apartment building.

I always started my workout with some light stretching. Being a dancer since kindergarten had taught me that it was important to stretch before any workout. I had also learnt the hard way by not doing it.

The sun had started to rise and the temperatur was warm. How I loved not being in Norway.

I started to run on the path that led around the small park. I had run the path once and decided that I wanted to run it again. Not seeing where I was going, resulted in me not seeing the person coming towards me and running straight into him. I fell on my butt, making a strange sound. Looking up to the person I could not believe my own eyes. I had run straight into him.

"You." I said. He had been the last person I had expected to see.

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Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now