*smut and fluff*
*kind of slow burn*
*chris evans X original character*
All Caroline wants is a fresh beginning, she is tired of love, and people. But what happens when she meets Chris Evans? Will she be able to keep her promise...
"Thank you for helping me out, Carro," Emma smiled at me as I got the pizzas out of her oven. "I thought I was being smart when I sent out the invitations to Sofia's birthday party so close to Christmas, but these mothers to the girls in Sofia's kindergarten are reckless. Every single one said they would drop off their daughter. That's twenty four-year-old girls."
The moment Emma had asked me if I wanted to help I had told her of course I could do that. I wanted to spend some more time with them before I had to go back to the states for the movie premier and all the interviews. Chris left yesterday and I was supposed to leave with him, but had postponed it two days, so I could help my best friend out.
"Hot tip," Emma drank from her wineglass which she had filled to the brim. "Never get kids." I could feel my heart sink, I had been so happy when I had found out I was pregnant. And here she was, telling me to never get kids. All I ever wanted was to get pregnant with the man I loved. I realised that now.
"Å faen," Emma looked at me when she realised she had hurt me with her words. "I'm so sorry Carro. I didn't mean it like that."
"It's okay," I took the wineglass from her and put it in the fridge. "You shouldn't be drinking. There are kids out in your living room." I grabbed the plates with pizzas I had put them on and carried them into the girls who were sitting around the table. "Pizzas are here! Who is hungry?"
"Me!" They all answered me in unison. I walked around the table and they all took a piece each. I walked into the kitchen again and put the remaining pizza on the kitchen table in front of Emma. "You should eat." I took the two soda flasks and walked back out into the living room. Walking around the table again I asked each girl which soda they wanted.
"Both, please." Marianne told me and held out her glass.
"You want both Coca-Cola and Fanta?" I asked and she nodded. These girls are something else. I poured half and half of each into her cup. She smiled up at me and thanked me.
"Now, what about the birthday girl, who happens to also be my favourite four year old, what does she want?" Sofia giggled before she pointed to the Fanta flask. I was about to pour it into her cup when she changed her mind.
"No, I want Coca-Cola!" I unscrewed the lid from the flask and was about to pour the brown liquid into her cup when she changed her mind again. "No, I want Fanta. No Coca-Cola. I can't decide." She covered her eyes with her hands before she spoke again. "You decide."
I laughed at her cuteness, she was just like her mother. Indecisive. I poured her some Fanta, since that was the first thing she said she had wanted. And you should go with your guts.
"Thank you, Tante Line."
"You are welcome," I kissed the top of her head. "What do you want, Maria?"
Maria was Sofia's best friend and very shy. She whispered something to Sofia before Sofia nodded and turned to me. "She doesn't like soda, so she wants water instead."
"Of course, she can get water," I fixed Sofia's tiara. "You are a clever girl Maria to not drink that poison. You want to know a secret?"
She nodded and I leaned down and whispered into her ear. When I pulled away she had big eyes. "Is that true?"
I nodded. "Yes it is. I will go get your water."
Emma and I were chatting while the girls were playing in the living room. "When is Chris planning on making you a worthy woman?"
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I laughed at her. "I don't know, Emma. Maybe you should ask him?" I wanted him to, more than anything. I loved him so much it hurt, and I didn't really need the marriage to let that show, but it would be nice to say to people; 'yeah, that's my husband' or 'I know, I'm lucky. He is so fine'.
"You could ask him yourself?" Emma suggested taking another bite of her pizza slice which now had become cold. "I know him asking you is against your 'being strong and independent'-saying. Maybe that's why he hasn't called you yet?"
"But I'm still a traditional girl. I want him to go down for me."
Emma wiggled her eyebrows, and it was then I realised how dirty that sounded. "I didn't mean it like that." Emma held her arms up in surrender. "And I didn't say anything. I thought something, yes. But I didn't say anything."
I just shook my head. The girls were so loud we hadn't heard the doorbell go off. A very happy Sofia came running into the kitchen holding up a dress. "Look what daddy got me!" My head snapped towards her and the man standing behind her. Sofia's dad.
Fucking Marco.
"What are you doing here?" I looked at him before looking at Emma.
"I invited him," She said simply before adding more. "We have something to tell you. Please don't freak out." Emma stood up and walked up to Marco and pulled him into a kiss. She was kissing the same man that had broken her all those years ago.
"We have kind of been dating for the last three months." Marco put a hand around Emma as she spoke, sending me a death stare. To say we hated each other was an understatement. But there wasn't any word in the whole universe that would describe what we felt for each other.
"You do remember that this is the same man that got you pregnant and then left you?" I was furious. Mostly because he was manipulating her, and a little because she hadn't told me. I stood up and walked straight to the refrigerator and took out the wineglass and took a big gulp out of it.
Marco was half Spanish. His father was from Elche in Spain and his mother was Norwegian. He had been living with his father in Elche until he moved to Norway five years ago to live with his mother. Emma had met him on Tinder and she had fallen for him in an instant. I had seen through him from the beginning and therefore hated him for just using Emma.
How she could be dating him now I could not understand. I wanted to kill him for using Emma again. She was too kind and too naive to see his motive. "Please don't kill each other while I go check on the girls." Emma kissed him on the cheek before walking past Marco, leaving us alone in the kitchen.
Marco came to stand in front of me, leaning against the counter. "Look, Carolina, I'm sorry. I never meant t-"
I cut him off. "I don't care about your bullshit apologises. And it's Caroline, not Carolina."
"Puta," He muttered under his breath not for me to hear, but I still heard him.
"Lausaleiksbarn," I told him back, taking a sip out of the glass, good thing I knew some Icelandic. I could thank my father for that. I would have called him a 'douchebag' but there were kids who could be listening, and to them 'lausaleiksbarn' sounded like a fun word. "If you ever hurt her again, I won't hesitate to kill you. I see straight through your bullshit. I know you are after something, I just haven't figured out what that is yet."
"I love her." He said and I snorted at him. Yeah right he did. I didn't believe that for one second.
"So, I will drive you to the airport tomorrow." Emma pulled me into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you, Carro."
"I'm not gone yet." I laughed at her. "But I will miss you too. So much."
I dried her tears and pulled her into a hug again. Looking up I could see Marco standing a few steps away. He mouthed 'puta' at me and I just held up my middle finger at him. This guy brought out the worst part in me. I hated him, and I was only hoping that she would see why before it was too late again.
"I will see you tomorrow then," I grabbed my coat before closing the door behind me and walked down the gravel to my car.
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