63 | It's You and Me part 2

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The moment I saw Chris at the end of the aisle I almost broke down in tears. And I wasn't the only one, Chris was already crying. I held onto my mother extra hard. I didn't want to fall in front of everyone. Sofia was walking at the front and dropped flower petals down on the floor.

I had four bridesmaids, Emma, Scarlet, Elizabeth and Rick (he had practically begged me to choose him). Each of them were escorted by Chris' groomsmen.

When we arrived at the front Emma picked up Sofia and held her on her hip as my mother kissed my forehead and sat down at the front.

We, or Emma and Chris, had decided on Sebastian as the minister. He had everyone sit down before he started.

"Welcome, loved ones. We are gathered here today to join Caroline and Christopher in holy matrimony." I almost laughed. Almost. 'Matrimony', what a funny word.

"When Emma asked me if I wanted to marry Caroline and Christopher, I had no doubt what my answer would be. I have never seen someone so in love then those too. Even though there was a period in the history of the two of them I had my doubts." The guests laughed and I had to smile. I hadn't been sure myself at one point either.

"But now, there is no doubt that they are perfect for each other. And it's like they say; opposite poles attract each other. If I understand correctly, you Chris have written your own vows to Caroline?"

Chris nodded before he grabbed my hands.

"Caroline. Du er den viktigste i livet mitt. Du lyser opp dagen min, når ingenting annet fungerer. Du er min største kjærlighet. Jeg elsker alt ved deg. Den dagen vi møttes i baren for første gang, trengte jeg bare ett øyekast på deg for å vite at du er mitt livs største kjærlighet. Jeg prøvde å dytte deg unna gang på gang, for kjærlighet skremte vettet av meg, men hver gang kom du sterkere tilbake. Du er en magnet og jeg er din motpol. Vi passer som et par slalåmsko.
Du har tilgitt meg gang på gang, selv da jeg ikke fortjente å bli tilgitt, tilgav du meg. Du har det største hjertet som finst, og all den kjærligheten du har - jeg er heldig som får lov til å dele den med deg. Og jeg kommer til å bruke resten av livet mitt til å gjør opp for meg og vise deg hvor mye jeg elsker deg. Jeg lover å elske deg, bli trofast hos deg i gode og onde dager inntil døden skiller oss ad."

To say I was shocked was the year's understatement. I was impressed. His pronunciation was almost flawless. It made me forget what I was going to say. I also felt bad. I hadn't prepared anything personal.

"It's your turn, Caroline." Sebastian whispered to me.

"I don't have anything personal planned." I whispered back. Could this get any worse? Here Chris was, pouring his heart out, and I didn't even have anything personal to say back. Chris nodded at me. The marriage hasn't even started yet, and still you could give me the award for worst wife of the year, right away. "It's okay Sweetheart. I owned you that much."

I took a deep breath. This was going to be okay. "Chris, I promise to cherish you always, to honour and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us."

"May I please have the rings?" Both me and Chris turned around and Emma gave my ring to Sofia who smiled big when she got to give me it.

"With this ring, I, Caroline, take you, Christopher, to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us."

I slid the ring on his finger before it was Chris' turn.

"With this ring I, Christopher, take you, Caroline, to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us."

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now