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4 years in the future

"Shhh," Caroline could hear Chris from the hallway outside of their bedroom. "We need to be quiet. Mommy is sleeping." She was eight months pregnant and very moody. She could hear her daughter giggling before she opened the bedroom door and came running inside and towards her mother.

Standing at the edge of the bed, Luna stretched her hands upwards. "Up, up." Caroline smiled at her daughter, helping her up into the bed beside her. "Daddy said you were sleeping. But you don't sleep now. You play with me."

"I'm sorry Bean," Caroline apologised to Luna and pushed some of her locks behind Luna's ear. "But Mommy is very tired right now. Why don't you play with Daddy instead?" Chris came into the room and sat down on the bed beside his wife after he had kissed her. "No! Daddy is being mean to me." Caroline laughed softly, ruffling Luna's hair

"What did Daddy do?" Caroline looked at Chris. They had been through so much together, it had only made them closer. Chris smirked at Caroline, being the only male in the family, had his girls ganging up on him on multiple occasions.

"He ate my cookies," Luna pouted. Caroline knew that wasn't true, but she still played along with her daughter. "Daddy is being mean when he does that." Caroline kissed her on the top of her head before leaning over to her side table and finding her secret stash of cookies and giving a pack to Luna. Chris tried to take a cookie from the pack, but Caroline slapped his hand away. "You have had enough cookies, don't you think?"

Chris held his hands up in surrender before laughing. He hoped that their next child would be a boy, so he would have someone on his team as well. Of course, he would love the baby no matter what. He would love his family no matter what.

They were sitting in silence for a while, just watching Luna eat the cookies. Caroline placed her head on Chris' shoulder and he put an arm around her body. They watched Luna sitting with her legs crossed on the bed in front of them. She had taken after her mother and did a little dance every time she took a bite. It didn't take long for Luna to fall asleep. Chris picked her carefully up from the bed and went to put her down for a little afternoon nap.

Caroline felt a strange pain in her stomach. Standing up from the bed she started to walk around on the floor in the bedroom, hoping the pain would fade if she just moved a bit. Placing one hand on her lower back and the other on her stomach, she groaned out in pain. Something was wrong. She had never felt this kind of pain before. Chris came back into the room and rushed over to Caroline. "What's wrong, baby?"

"Pain," Caroline panted out. Chris helped her down in the chair they had placed in the room for her to be nursing in when that time came around.

"Where? And what type of pain? Is it contractions? Are you going into labour?" Caroline shook her head, this wasn't that type of pain. She placed her hand back on her stomach when the same pain occurred again.

"No," She gritted her teeth. "This is something else. What if something is seriously wrong with the baby?" Chris placed his hands on her stomach where she had her hand before he smiled.

"This is just our son kicking," Chris could feel his heart flutter when the baby kicked again. "This is good pain, Line."

Another kick was to be felt. "He's a strong guy, just like his father."

She smiled and shook her head. "You don't get to tell me what is good pain. No uterus, no opinion. All pain is bad. Bad pain. And our son? How do you know it will be a boy?"

"Oh, I don't know that. I just hope it will be a boy, so I have someone on my side when my girls hang up on me." He kissed Caroline's baby bump before whispering to it. "Please be a boy."

Caroline placed her hand on top of Chris' and smiled down at him. "We don't gang up on you. It's not my fault you are the only weak species in this house."

Chris moved his hand down her pants and rubbed circles on her clit. "Maybe I'm weak, but if I recall correctly, I'm the only one that can get you over that edge." Caroline moaned in pleasure before the baby kicked again.

"Ouch," Caroline placed her hand on her stomach on the spot where he had kicked. "You stop with that right away." Chris pulled his hand away. "No, not you. You keep going. I'm talking to the baby."

"Is he kicking that hard?" Chris looked at Caroline and she nodded. "Yes, and it's so strange. Maybe he will be a football player? Or soccer as you Americans call it. That is so weird by the way."

Caroline never thought she would experience the joy of having a child. After losing two babies, she didn't think that kids were in their cards.

But here she was, Luna was healthy and Caroline was pregnant again with a baby that showed every sign of being healthy as well. He was a kicker, that was for sure. With Luna everything was silent, no movements she could feel, but every ultrasound showed a healthy baby, growing as she should. And seven months after her first ultrasound Luna was filling the hospital room with her cries. Caroline had joined her in the crying.

"Keep on going please." Caroline moved her husband's hand back down her pants. One thing that Chris noticed about Caroline during her pregnancy was that she got turned on by almost everything he did or said. In other words, she got horny. He could be breathing, and boom she was ready to go.

"Chris..." She moaned out. He had inserted three fingers and was pumping in and out of her. "I'm going to cum."

"That's it, sweetheart....let go," Chris coaxed her through her high. "Cum for me baby." Caroline placed her hand over her mouth trying to muffle her moans. Chris withdrew his fingers and kissed her deeply. "Marry me." He mumbled against her lips.

"But we are already married," Caroline whispered back. "But yes. I will marry you. Everyday."

She was finally happy.

And that marked the end of this story

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And that marked the end of this story.

I hope you liked it and don't forget to vote, comment and share and add to a reading list or two if you would want <3


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