1 | The Beginning part 1

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Friday September 6th 2019, 7 pm

Caroline Danielsen

I walked into the dimmed bar. It was almost empty and I was glad for that. The last thing I wanted to do was to interact with somebody. I had one goal for the night - to get drunk.

Forget everything. Even my own name. Because that's what happens when you catch your boyfriend in bed with another girl.

I had known him since fifth grade but it wasn't until we saw each other again three years ago, when I was home for my grandmother's funeral, I found out he had been in love with me since tenth grade. He asked me out and we went on a date.

We started dating, and even though I knew what I was getting myself into, I ignored every instinct my mind told me. Every red flag. Go with the feeling in your stomach, they say. Oh boy do I wish I had listened. But no, I told myself I could still fix him. And from that day on, when I caught him in the act, I made myself a promise to never fall in love again. Ever.

It would turn out I was wrong. Very wrong.


I took a few steps up to the bar. "Give me the strongest drink you have, and then double it." I put my purse and my phone on the counter looking at the bartender that looked me up and down.

"I need to see some id." I huffed. I found my id in my purse and smacked it on the counter. The bartender looked at my id and nodded, going back to making my drink.

"Rough day, huh?" A voice from beside me said.

I turned around and saw the most attractive man I had ever seen in my life. His blue eyes pierced right into my soul. "Rough week, to be honest." I thanked the bartender as he put the drink in front of me.

I took a sip, appreciating the burn I felt down my throat. "You'd be surprised to know that it feels very good to vent to a complete stranger that doesn't know you," The man beside me said, making me snap my head towards him. I was not in the mood for small talk, but I was taught as a child that you shouldn't be rude. And how could a little talking be harmful?

"I'm Christopher by the way. Are you new in town?" He held his hand out and I took it and shook it. The moment our fingers touched, electricity went through my body. "Yeah, I am. Moved her yesterday. And you?" He shook his head. "Born and raised here." His accent wasn't what I expected, everyone else I had talked to had a strong one.

"Aren't you a bit young to be drinking? You look like you're nineteen." You gotta be kidding me. "I'm actually twenty-four. And besides, you can drink legally when you are eighteen back home."

Christopher raised his left brow and looked at me with a questioning look. "I'm from Norway. The legal drinking-age there is eighteen." I explained as I downed the last of my drink in one go. "Norway, huh? What are you doing here? Why Boston? I didn't catch your name."

"Needed to get away. Boston was just the unlucky winner. And I never told you my name. Buy me another drink and I will perhaps tell you." Christopher gestured to the bartender to give each of us a new drink. "So, tell me about yourself, pretty girl."

"There isn't that much to talk about. I have two brothers, one older than me and one younger, and I moved away from home when I started studying. And you?"

"I'm nothing special. What did you study?"

"Pharmacy. Five years." I took the glass and smiled at the bartender as I took a sip from it. It tasted amazing. "Tell me about you, Christopher? An attractive man like you must have the girls swarming around you." Christopher laughed a little.

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now