47 | Late Night Talking

357 25 49

January 5th 2021

Caroline Danielsen

I had been awake for hours, not able to fall asleep. Chris was snoring lightly beside me, with a pillow in between his hands, hugging it. He looked so cute. "Chris?" I nudged him lightly on his back. "Are you awake?"

"I am now," Chris turned around after turning on the nightstand lamp. "What's wrong, baby? Can't sleep?" I shook my head and sat up leaning against the headboard. It was one of those nights.

"Who is Mariana?" I blurted out. I hadn't meant to ask, it just fell out of my mouth. Chris sat up beside me and tucked the duvet around us.

"She's my ex," Chris answered honestly. "Is that why you can't sleep?"

"No," I picked at the side of my thumb. "Did you love her?"

Chris nodded. "I did. I thought for the longest time that she would become my wife. I even bought an engagement ring."

"Oh," My heart sank, the fact that he had planned on marrying her hurt me. I wanted to be the only girl he wanted to do that to. "Why did you two break up?"

"I found her in bed with another man. But I think we had drifted apart long before that."

I laughed. "I found Simon in bed with a girl, the coincidence is funny. We both got cheated on. But I will dare to say we are crushing it in life." I explained and Chris smiled down at me.

"You want to tell me about Simon?" Chris asked softly. I shrugged my shoulders. There wasn't much to talk about. He was a scumbag to say the least. But I decided to say as little as I possibly could. I didn't want him to think I might still be in love with Simon. Because I wasn't, not anymore.

"I mean, there isn't much to tell," I turned around so I was sitting sideways into the headboard. "We went to school together, and were in the same class from fifth grade to third grade in highschool. But it wasn't until three years after highschool that I realised that I had a crush on him for the longest time. So we started dating. But then I found him in bed with what I thought was a good friend, Michelle. A week or so before I moved to Boston. What's your favourite movie?"

I didn't want to talk about exes. I didn't know why I had asked about Mariana. It wasn't my business and it was in the past. "Little Mermaid," Chris answered while I laid myself back down on the pillow before I changed my mind and laid my head in his lap. I let my feet dangle over the edge of the bed and Chris drew circles on my forehead.

"When is your birthday?" I knew when it was, I had googled him. I folded my hands over my stomach. "June thirteenth, yours?" He intertwined his other hand with mine and used his thumb to draw circles there as well.

"June sixteenth." He already knew that. But he still had asked, and that warmed my heart. I had never told him when it was, but somehow he knew it.

We laid in silence for a while, just staring into each other's eyes. I loved this man so much, and I knew that Chris loved me back as much. But still, I had my doubts. After Christmas, it just felt like we had drifted apart. "Do you still love me?" I could see Chris' eyes go wide when he realised why I wasn't able to sleep.

"Of course I do, Caroline," He brushed a few strands of hair out of my face while he spoke. "I love you so, so, so much. Don't you ever doubt that." I squeezed his hand in understanding and he squeezed back.

"I quit my job back in Norway." I blurted out, I had quit it after I got released from the hospital. It didn't speak to my heart anymore, and I wasn't going to enjoy it anymore. Not after my father had bursted into my office. Besides, I wanted to be wherever Chris was. I knew that his life was here, and therefore my life was here as well. I didn't mind.

"You know that first time we slept together and it turned out that you were my boss?" I changed my position in his lap and laid my face towards his stomach. Chris lent down, almost crushing me in the process and kissed my nose.

"Of course I do."

"And I kind of lied to you and told you that you were a three on my scale? You broke that scale. Quite literally ripped it apart. That night was probably the best sex I have ever had. You brought me a whole new level of pleasure."

"I knew that," Chris smirked at me. "And now you wonder how I know that. It wasn't hard to figure it out. Those sounds you made? They are burnt into my mind and ears forever."

I blushed lightly at his words. He knew how to make me embarrassed. I just kept on looking at him. He was a sight for sore eyes. But I had a bad feeling. A feeling I just couldn't shake. I think that Chris noticed that my mind wasn't in the room because he took a strand of my hair and started to braid it before he spoke.

"What else is on your mind?"

"I am going to be an aunt," I still couldn't believe it. Of course, I meant that Gustav was too young, but I knew he was going to be an awesome father, and Amalie was lucky to have him. "You know how insane that is? I am going to be an aunt. An aunt Chris."

Chris laughed at me and nodded. "You are going to be an aunt. The best aunt there is. Now try to get some sleep."

"I should call Gustav and apologise," I started to get up from my spot to find my phone. "I was awful to him." Chris stopped me and laid me back down on his lap.

"You can do that in the morning, try to get some sleep now. It's late." He went back to draw circles on my face. He traced my eyebrows, my nose and lastly my lips. I was wide awake, and he knew it, because he sighed when he realised that I wasn't falling asleep anytime soon.

So he used one of his methods to try to get me to sleep. He put on a playlist with soft songs and started to scratch my scalp. I yawned but tried to keep myself awake. Chris didn't know about it, but I still had nightmares almost every night. They haunted me. All my traumas were coming back in my sleep. I didn't want to talk to Chris about it. He was only going to worry.

"You aren't going to fall asleep are you?" Chris smiled at me and I shook my head, giggling softly. "Okay, then I would just have to bore you to sleep with one of my stories then."

"Your stories aren't boring."

"We'll see."


I guess Chris was right about his story being boring, because I had fallen asleep in the early morning hours. The exact time for when it had happened I didn't know. The fact that he had kept on talking to me while I was asleep made my nightmares stay away for the night. When I woke up I saw that I had curled myself up in Chris' lap during the night and he had draped an arm over me. His head had dropped to the side and he was snoring lightly.

Moving my hands underneath his t-shirt I started to place kisses on his throat. I scratched his torso with my fingernails. It didn't take long before Chris woke up. "Good morning to you too, little girl." He wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me to his chest. "What do you feel like doing today?"

I thought about it. "Can we build a snowman?"

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