53 | Girl's Night

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Saturday March 20th 7:30 pm

"Do you really have to go?" Chris looked at me from the bed while I was getting dressed. I decided on a black tight fitting dress. We had in fact spent the whole day in bed, just relaxing, him scratching my back and he had also read to me, until Rick had called and told me he was standing outside.

"I do. You said it was okay." I put on my shoes before walking out of the bedroom. He got up from bed and followed me down the stairs. "You can join us if you want? Have you seen my epi-pen?"

"In the drawer on the kitchen island." Chris' voice was salty and I didn't understand what was going on. He had said it was okay. And if he wanted to join us I was sure that Rick didn't mind.

"Well, I've changed my mind. I don't want you to go." That made my blood boil. "I don't want you to be friends with Rick anymore."

"You are fucking delusional, Christopher!" I shouted at him, he had said it was okay, I didn't understand what was going on. Why had he suddenly changed his mind? "I am going to be friends with Rick. He is my best friend. Get that into your head." He knew at that point that I was mad, I never swore unless I was so mad that the rest of my vocabulary didn't do.

"Do not raise your voice at me, Caroline."

"Or what? You gonna hit me?"

"No! I would never hit you, and you fucking know that! I just don't want you to go out with your fucking ex."

"And why not?" I tested, still shouting.

"Because he is your ex for God's sake, and I don't trust yo-him!"

And there it was. I could tell him that Rick was gay, but the fact that he couldn't trust me said a lot about Chris. He had always trusted me, so why the sudden change? Then it hit me like a cow that just found out she did not have seven stomachs after all. "Are you using again?"

"What do you mean?" He looked at me confused. He wasn't, and that just hurt me even more. If he was, I could blame it on the drugs.

"Are you doing drugs again?" I was still furious, but it would explain why he suddenly didn't trust me. If he was using drugs again he could imagine things that were not there.

"No!" He shouted back and took a step forward and I stepped back. "I just don't want you to go out with your ex! He looks at us like he wants to take you from me and fuck you into next week."

"Oh my fucking gad, Christopher," I grabbed my purse and put it over my head. "You have to trust me for this relationship to work! This conversation is over!"

I was about to open the front door and step outside when Chris yelled at me. "Don't go when I'm talking to you! I fucking own you!" Turning around he could see the rage in my eyes, as I held out my hand to show him that he had stepped over the line on this one.

"That's enough, Christopher. The only person that owns me is fucking me! I'm going out with Rick tonight, end of discussion." I had lowered my voice, signalling that this was not something he could stop me from doing. Before I closed the door I poked my head back inside looking him dead in the eyes. "You can take the sofa tonight, and don't wait up. I don't want to see you right now!"

Walking down to Rick's car I didn't let the tears escape my eyes. I wasn't going to cry. He wasn't going to get that satisfaction. I opened the passenger seat to his car and got in. Rick had changed everything about himself. He had finally come out to his parents, who had taken it surprisingly well. How Chris couldn't see he was gay I could not understand. "Hi babe," I remembered when he used to call me babe in that small period of time we were together. Now it doesn't have the same meaning as it did. "I brought Jared with us for our girls-night out. I hope you don't mind. Your outfit looks so good. Doesn't she look good, baby?"

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα