30 | The Stars Above Us

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A week later

Third Person

Caroline was nervous the second they were finished with the movie. She knew she had to do this. It would hurt, that was for sure. Chris was going to get hurt in the process, but it was for the best.

Chris had taken Caroline out into the woods to look at the stars. They had moved back to Boston, and were now just waiting for the movie to get released. In the meantime, they spent every single minute with each other. It was Caroline's idea, she wanted to spend as much time with Chris as she could before she left.

They placed a blanket down on the ground. It was now June and the air was warm with a delightful breeze of air coming from the north. If it had been in Norway, in the little place Caroline was from the breeze would be freezing cold. But not here, no here it was just cold enough to have a cooling effect without the people getting cold. Chris settled down on the blanket and grabbed Caroline's wrist before pulling her down on his lap.

He had been using this last week to show her how much he really loved her. He had fucked her to sleep almost every night, taken her out on dates, and also just spent time with her on the sofa, watching true crime. A passion of hers. He had also told her that he loved her multiple times each day, it was just random 'I love you's', but Caroline had appreciated that. She had often answered with 'I know you do', 'obviously' and 'I hate you too' code for 'I love you too, but this is getting a bit much'.

"You know why I like dresses?" Chris' hand crept up her thigh and Caroline shuddered under his touch, her words getting stuck in her throat. "They are made for easy access." He kept on going with his words as his hand kept on moving up her thigh, pushing the fabric upwards as he went. "It makes it so easy for me to do this." He pulled the dress over her head in one motion and placed it on the blanket beside them. A deep throat groan was heard when he noticed she was naked.

"You don't have underwear on?" Chris started to place wet kisses on her collarbone. Caroline shook her head before closing her eyes. "No, you told me not to." His mouth went up to her jaw. "I decided not to be a brat today, and do as I was told." Chris moved his mouth to her ear, he leaned even closer against her naked body before he whispered in her ear. "Good girl." His breath made her spine shiver, and she pressed herself down on his lap. "Do you want me to fuck you, Caroline?"

"Here in the woods?" Caroline wasn't so sure if that was a good idea. Even though the thought them having sex here turned her on, she was sceptical to it. What if someone saw them? What if a bear attacked them? Or a wolf. "No one is going to see us, sweetheart. And there are no bears and wolves here." He started to suck at her left nipple. "What do you say? I can do that thing you like?"

"Don't Sebastian Stan as Mickey me." Caroline had just watched Monday, a movie starring Sebastian Stan, her celebrity crush. "Just fuck me." She dragged his shirt over his head and he unbuckled his belt before pulling his pants and underwear off. He pumped his cock a few times before he lifted Caroline up and sank her down on him. She gasped out, the full feeling of him still foreign to her.

He rolled them over so she was laying on her back with him over her. He used one hand to keep himself up, so he wouldn't crush her petite body. He gave slow long thrusts placing kisses all over her face. "I love you," Caroline mumbled while wrapping a leg around his hips, pulling him closer.

"What was that?"

"I love you." She moaned out when Chris brought his other hand down to her clit and started to rub circles. "Say that again." He twisted his hips, making Caroline arch her back off the ground. "I love you." She panted out.


"I love you."


"I love you!" Caroline screamed it out as she came. Chris came right after, he pulled out and settled down beside her and pulled her to his side.

Caroline laid her head on his chest, closing her eyes. She could fall asleep at any moment, and with Chris stroking her back it only intensified the feeling. "Are you falling asleep, little cutiepie?"

"No," Caroline mumbled and snuggled her face into his chest smiling. "I'm just resting my eyes."

Chris smiled at his soon to be fiancé. He had already bought the ring, but he wasn't sure when he wanted to propose to her. He just knew that he wanted to. She needed time, she had just admitted that she loved him, and he knew that she was out of her comfort zone when she told him.

It had become dark and the stars shone in the night sky. "You see that star up there?" Caroline pointed to the sky. Chris nodded. "That's Rigel. It's the seventh brightest star in the night sky. It's my favourite star."

"Hm, that's interesting," Chris stated. "Why?" Chris sat up with Caroline still clinging to his chest like a koala. He helped her put on her dress again. He placed a soft kiss on her lips. "I don't know, I just like it. And I like the number seven. It just seems fitting." Chris hummed and got himself dressed.

Walking to his car he pulled out another blanket. Walking back to Caroline, he could see that she had laid back down on her back looking up at the stars. He laid the blanket over them and placed a hand under his head. He turned his head to look at Caroline. She was busy telling him about the solar system.

"Did you know that the speed of light in a vacuum is 299 792 458 metres per second? And from the time a photon is emitted from the sun it takes approximately eight minutes for us to see the light? Which means that the sun could already be dead, and we wouldn't know until eight minutes from now? It's kinda freaky, but so cool."

She was so smart, and all her random little facts she would throw out now and then, impressed Chris. "How do you know that? And what the hell is a photon?" Caroline turned her head to look at Chris who just smiled at her.

"I learned it in physics class. A photon is simply said a bundle of energy. More complicatedly, it is a particle of light that is defined as a discrete bundle, or quantum, of electromagnetic, or light, energy. And they are always in motion. It is actually not that hard to understand."

Chris rolled on top of Caroline making her giggle. "It might be easy, when you are as smart as you are."

They looked at each other in silence. Their eyes said more than words could.

This was going to be a lot harder than Caroline had thought it would be. She had fallen completely in love with Chris Evans, that the thing she had to do was going to break her as much as it would break him. But she had to do it.

"Whatever happens next," Caroline picked at the side of her thumb breaking the silence. "Just remember that I love you, and this is for the best, okay?"


Drama incoming

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Drama incoming. So get ready for that.

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now