13 | Dog Sitter

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Tuesday November 12th 5 am

I woke up to a horrendous knocking sound on my front door. I groaned and stood up from the warmth of my bed. The knocking didn't stop. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." I was only in a big t-shirt but I didn't have the energy to change. Rick had been called back at the hospital a couple of hours earlier. The tension between us had been thick, and not in a good way.

Opening the door, I looked at the person standing at the other side. Seeing it was Chris didn't help my mood one bit. "It's five am, what do you want?" I could barely keep my eyes open. "I'm on vacation until you come back from your presstour. Everything is planned. Leave me alone."

Chris looked down at his dress shoes before looking up at me again with anger in his eyes. His eyes had gotten darker, and I got pulled into my past with Simon. He used to look at me the same way when he got angry. And he made me believe it was my fault.

"Can't do that. I need you to watch Dodger, while I'm gone."

I didn't register that he was talking about his dog. My brain had forgotten that he had one. I should really consider thinking twice before talking.

"I didn't know you had a kid?" He shook his head before tugging at a dog leash and his dog - Dodger, walked up towards me and jumped up excited to see me. I took a step back. It wasn't that I was scared of dogs, I loved dogs.

"No, I can't."

"You can. And you will." Chris sat down and pet Dodger. His eyes softened the moment he touched the dog. "No, I-I can't." Chris gave me the leash. I couldn't believe what had just happened. A moment ago I had been sleeping soundly and happy in my bed and now I wanted to rip Chris apart and scream.

"Daddy will be back very soon, okay? Be a good boy to Caroline. She is very kind, and will take good care of you. Okay? I'm gonna miss you buddy." I tried to protest again, but to no avail.

"Scott will come by with some dog food and some of his toys. You also need to walk him at least two times a day, and he loves the dog park." Chris gave my lips a quick kiss. My eyes widened by his actions.

What just happened? It seemed like he realised what he had done, because he just turned around and walked down the hallway. "No, Chris! I really can't do this." I called after him.

"You can do it, Sweetheart." He started to walk down the stairs. "No, I can't, because I'm allergic to dogs." It came out low, he wasn't going to care anyway. What an ass. It wasn't often I used terms like that on other people. I considered it mean, and I wasn't a mean person. But for Chris, I decided to use other terms. Turning around I took Dodger into my apartment and closed the door behind us.

I wasn't a heartless person either, so there was no way I was letting the dog live with some other, when Chris had trusted me with him, and I would like to keep my job. I just had to do the best out of this whole situation. Allergy was going to kill me, but as we said back home; "Skitt la gå."

"What am I gonna do, Dodger? Daddy didn't listen to me at all. Well, we just have to make the best of the situation we have. Isn't that right?" Dodger jumped up and I sat down to pet him. "You are such a good dog. Yes you are. You are the cutest dog there is. Yes you are. But now I need sleep, and so do you."

I figured he was going to miss Chris and he could sleep in my room, so I took another allergy tablet, even though I had already taken three earlier that day, but if I was going to survive I needed the protection.

While I was at it I took a dosage of my asthma medicine. Pulling out some towels from my bathroom cabinet and finding some spare pillows in my closet I made Dodger an improvised bed. It would have to do, until Scott came with Dodgers things later in the morning.

Arranging the pillows in a half circle against the wall, I placed the towels over the pillows, and made it as comfortable as I could. I called out for him and he came into my room. He walked in circles on his new temporary bed, like he was inspecting it, before he laid down and fell asleep.

Waking up my eyes were swollen and my throat was swollen as well. Great. Dodger had gotten into bed with me during the early morning hours and he was now cuddling against me. "Come on Dodger." My voice was hoarse and it hurted to talk. "I need a shower and then we are going for a walk." I left him in my bedroom and took a quick shower.

While I was in the shower Scott delivered Dodgers things outside my apartment door. I put on some jeans and a knitted sweater and filled Dodger's dog bowls with water and dog food while I ate some breakfast myself.


It was cold outside but the sun was shining, so it helped a bit. We went to the dog park and I released Dodger and he ran off, and started to run around with the other dogs there. He was so adorable, sniffing around in the snow and digging holes with a white and black dog.

Pulling out my blanket and my book I was currently reading, I found a bench and tucked the blanket around my feet and opened my book to my pagemaker and started to read. I was into my book, so I shut everything around me out, but still kept an eye at Dodger. My instinct told me so. And I had a bad feeling, that if something happened to Dodger, Chris wouldn't think twice before he killed me.

"Caroline? Hello? Caroline?" I looked up and was met with Rick's brown eyes. "I thought it was you. What are you doing - OH MY GOD, what happened to you?" I guessed my allergies were going crazy again. "Dogs. Chris' dog, Dodger. I'm taking care of Dodger while Chris is on his press tour. And I'm very allergic to dogs. This wasn't how I was planning on spending my vacation."

"If you want, you can stop by the hospital anytime and I can give you a shot for your allergies." He offered. "You can't do that, can you?" He shook his head. "No, not really. That's not allowed, you would need a prescription from a doctor, but I can make an exception for my favourite girl in the world. Or at least in this state."

"I'm good, I really don't feel like being a criminal today. Really, it's fine." I tried to reassure him.


About three weeks later, December 2nd 4 pm

"How are you feeling today?" Rick had cooked me dinner. He had told me he needed to talk to me and said that we could do it over dinner. My throat was itching both on the outside and on the inside. The outside was easy to scratch, my inside on the other hand was hard. But I had a few tricks; I used my knitting needles to scratch inside my ears, I would just stick them right in, carefully of course, and just scratch.

The second method was eating dry food, like crispbread or crackers, to scratch the inside of my throat. "I could have been better to be honest. But don't worry about me. What did you want to talk about?"

"So," He started scratching his neck. "I have been seeing someone." My heart broke in pieces. "It's fairly new, and I really think I like him. We have only been on a few dates." Wait, did he just say? Did he just say 'him'? "What are you saying?" I couldn't believe my own ears.

Everything I thought I knew was falling apart. A part of me wasn't surprised that he wasn't into me. I had a feeling. I didn't know how, but I did. A part of me had always known I guessed. And I thought that I had never loved him in a romantic way. After Simon, I guess I would have accepted any guy that treated me right.

So it didn't come as a shock, per say.

"I think I'm gay, Caroline."

I know some of you are going to kill me for this

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I know some of you are going to kill me for this. I would really like sunflowers at my funeral.

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now