23 | Happy New Year

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January 1st 2020 6 am

Caroline Danielsen

I had woken up to an empty bed. Hearing faint voices from the living room, I got out of bed, tucked the duvet around me and walked out of the room. Chris was sitting on the sofa with Emma in one of his chairs.

"Nøkken is a creature that lives in small rivers, ponds and lakes in Norway, and his only goal is to drown you. I wouldn't want to meet him if I was you. He is dangerous. But he likes me. I often go swimming with him." Chris snapped his head towards me, where I was leaning against the doorframe. He looked nervous.

"How much of the conversation did you hear?" I yawned before I went over to Chris and sat down beside him and laid my head on his shoulder. "Not much, just that Emma will kill you if you ever hurt me. Which she will." Emma laughed. "I will."

"I'm sorry for kicking you out of your own bedroom, Chris." Emma apologised. Chris just waved her off.

"Don't worry, Ems," I looked up at Chris who just looked at me with an expression I couldn't read. "He deserves it, after denying me an orgasm yesterday. He won't be coming back to that bed in a long time." Chris rolled me under him and started to tickle me. "No! Ha-ha, stop!" He kissed me and I could hear Emma gag.

"Ugh," She laughed. "You two are disgusting. Or maybe I'm just lonely. But seriously, I can stay at a hotel, so you two lovebirds can have all the sex you want." I sat up and shook my head. "No! Not happening. You are staying here."

"Please stay, Emma. The plan is to get one of the guest rooms finished later today. It is only a bed missing, and it is planned to arrive in an hour or so. You are more than welcome to stay there. Or I could stay there. Whatever makes my girl happy." Chris pulled me to his side and wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed me. "Happy new year, babe."

"Awww. You two are just adorable." Emma tilted her head and I laughed. "Either we are disgusting or we are adorable. Make up your bed. We can't be both, Ems." She threw her arms up in frustration, like she always did. "Whatever you say, Carro. Come on." She stood up and stretched out her hand to me. I took it and she dragged me up from the sofa so the duvet fell off my body.

I could hear Chris whistling at me. "Hot!" I looked down and blushed when I noticed I only had shorts and a sports bra on, I usually only wore a big t-shirt to bed and panties. But my favourite t-shirt was in the laundry basket for washing. "Eyes up here, mister." I smiled at Chris before Emma dragged me out of the living room and out into the hallway.

"I hope you haven't forgotten our tradition on New Years Eve, well, now it is past midnight in Norway, but still, we have to do it," Emma opened the front door, and the cold winter air blew against us. "Come on!"

We walked out into the snow and I could hear Chris shouting for us. "Come back in. You are going to get sick, Sweetheart." I ignored him. "Wow, that's considerate. What about me?" Emma said from beside me, she wasn't offended, I knew that. I nudged her on her shoulder. "He means you as well. Ready?" She nodded before we looked up into the sky and started to shout.

"Godt nyttår, mormor!"

"Godt nyttår, pappa!"

"Godt nyttår, farmor!"

"Godt nyttår farfar!"

"Godt nyttår!"

We always went out into the snow when the time showed midnight, and yelled to the ones that we had lost. Emma lost her dad when she was five, he died of cancer at age thirty-five. She lost her grandmother the year after. I had only lost my father's parents. And then we did what was probably the most fun thing about snow - we laid down in the snow and made snow angels. Side by side.

Chris Evans

Looking at Caroline and her best friend shouting to the sky, made Chris smile. He was so in love with this curly headed girl that he had lost himself. How he used to be. She had come into his life and crashed everything he knew down. He needed to do something about it. But then she would get hurt, and he couldn't do that to her. He needed to scare her away. Making her want to leave herself. He thought he could do that. Anything to make this foreign feeling go away. He had promised himself that he wouldn't fall in love again after Mariana, but here he was.

"You should come back inside so you don't get sick!" He shouted to the two girls who were laughing at something the other had said, while they were making snow angels. "Don't worry, Christopher," Caroline shouted back at him. "We are vikings, we can handle the cold." He decided there was no use arguing with them so he went back inside and made some hot chocolate for when they were finished and found two extra warm blankets in his closet.

"Å herregud, I'm so cold." Emma exclaimed as the girls came into the living room again. Chris gave them each a blanket before he helped Caroline tuck herself into the blanket. He turned to Emma. "Do you want help?" Emma laughed and shook her head. "Nope! I'm not a baby." Caroline scowled at her best friend before she smiled. "I like being a baby. I didn't get to be one when I was a kid. I was kinda busy not getting hit by my own father." She was making jokes about her past, her own coping mechanism Chris figured.

"I have hot coco," Chris gave them each a cup, Caroline had the same expression she had when he had made her eggs and bacon. She didn't like it. He was about to take the mug away from her to make her something else. "What are you doing?" Caroline moved the cup with the hot chocolate away from Chris' hands. "You don't like it, Sweetheart. I can make you something else."

Caroline shook her head. "I do like it. It's just hot." Chris knew she was lying, but he didn't do anything about it. The moment her lips touched the hot drink he could see she wanted to spit it out again. Emma looked at her. "You don't have to drink it."

"Yeah, I do," How Chris wished he understood Norwegian. "I don't wanna hurt his feelings."

"Let me make you something else, little girl. You don't like it." He knew Caroline wouldn't argue with him when he used that nickname on her. He could see that Caroline squeezed her thighs together. She was so responsive.

"What do you want to drink?" Chris took the cup from Caroline as she laid down on the sofa and closed her eyes. "Tea? Coffee?"

"She doesn't like either of them. And besides she is asleep again."

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Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now