37 | Going Home

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Days became weeks until I was allowed to go home from the hospital. I had developed an infection in my wound and that led to a high fever. I had been put on antibiotics and was now ready to go home.

Chris had bought an apartment in the city, I had tried to protest, this wasn't his home, and he could just stay with me in my apartment. I still had it, or that was what I thought. It turned out that they had demolished the building. When I thought about it, I already knew that.

"Are you ready to go home, Caroline?" Chris asked me while he helped me get dressed. Not that I couldn't do that myself. I nodded, that meant he could finally make me cum again. I had missed that feeling. After I met Chris and he showed me what true pleasure was, the vibrator I had didn't do it for me anymore.

"You bet," I stretched out to get my shirt, but Chris stopped my hand movement and grabbed it for me. "You know I'm able to get dressed myself? I am twenty five you know." I acted just like Emma had told Chris I would. He put the t-shirt over my head and kissed my nose. "I know you do, Sweetheart. But the doctors said that you needed to take it easy."

"I haven't done anything for the last few weeks, Chris. And besides, I hardly think they meant that I couldn't get dressed myself." I put on my jacket that Chris handed me. I jumped down from the bed and was about to take a few steps but Chris picked me up under my arms and placed me on the bed again, and I scowled at him. "What now, babe?"

Chris just placed himself between my legs spreading them, before he placed his hand around my throat and pulled me in for a kiss, when he squeezed lightly I smiled into the kiss. "As much as I love you kissing me, I want to go home now." I was about to push him away when he pulled me into a kiss again. He was waiting for something, I just didn't know what.

So I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him deeply. My panties were starting to get damped. "Are you gonna fuck me in the hospital, Christopher?" Emma decided to walk in on us at that moment.

"Æsj, gross." She laughed at us. Chris pulled away from me and I turned my head to look at her. She was pushing a wheelchair in front of her. She pushed it to the bed where I was sitting, I looked at Chris who just smiled innocently at me.

"Took you long enough," Chris looked at Emma. "I wasn't sure if I could occupy her any longer."

I decided to ignore Chris, he could get his payback later. "I'm not getting wheeled out of here like an old lady. Uh-uh, no way."

"I don't want to say I told you so," Emma looked at Chris and then sent me an apologetic look before she looked back at Chris. "But I told you so!"

"I am fully able to walk by myself. I'm sorry Ems, that Chris made you use unnecessary ATP." I pushed Chris away from me and jumped off the bed again. I started to walk. The pain from my stitching was noticeable. I put on my best smile and started to walk towards the door when Chris' voice spoke, full of dominance.

"Get your pretty ass into that wheelchair."

I shook my head, he wasn't going to win this. There was no way. I could hear Emma whispering to Chris. "Sorry, Chris. You lost this one."

Chris chuckled back at her. My stubbornness was soon to be gone. "Just have the wheelchair ready."

I should have considered the wheelchair, because to say it was painful to walk was the biggest understatement of the year. Chris came up beside me and intertwined his hand with mine. "You sure you don't want the wheelchair, darling?"

"Yes, I'm sure. See, I'm walking perfectly fine." I tried to not make a grimace. "I just need to get to that pole over there, and then I can take a little break."

"Okay, whatever you say." He smirked down at me, he knew I was about to ask for the wheelchair. We walked slowly through the hallway. Chris whispered to himself. "In five, four, thr-"

"I think I want that wheelchair now." I leaned myself on Chris, good thing I was getting all the good drugs with me back home. The surgeons had to open me up again to drain some fluid that had built up due to my infection.

"It is no shame to ask for help, Line," Emma came up beside us with the wheelchair, and Chris helped me down in it. She handed Chris her purse before she got a mischievous grin on her face. "Besides, that gives us the chance to do this."

She started to run while pushing me. "See you later, taper!" She yelled back at Chris, while laughing. He pulled up his phone and took a photo of us. It had been a long time since I've had as much fun as I did now.


"Have you told him yet?" Emma said, looking down at me while leaning against the car.

"No, but I will." I reassured her. She hated that I kept such a secret from him, but she had to see it from my perspective. I needed time to process it. She placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it lightly. "Took you long enough!" Chris came walking out the entrance and to the car, he was smiling.

He leaned down and kissed me. "I'm sorry, but I stopped in the kiosk to buy you this," He handed me a big pack of Skittles. "And I got stopped by some girls that wanted to take some pictures." I smiled at him. He had me at Skittles.

"Should I be worried? I know us Norwegians can be a bit too much." I laughed. "I can kick their asses. Gustav did Judo for many years, and he has taught me some things."

"You have absolutely nothing to worry about, Princess. I told them I had a girlfriend."

I smacked my hand at my forehead and shook my head. He had no idea what he had just started. This was going to be fun for me at least. "You did what? Are you stupid or are you stupid?"

Chris looked at Emma. "Did I do something wrong?"

"You never tell Norwegian girls that you have a girlfriend," Emma explained, opening the door for Chris to help me into the back seats. Walking around the car they got in, and Chris pulled me to his side. He did that a lot. "Now, they will just want you more. Here's the thing Chris, Norwegian girls only go for the boys that are good looking, and have a girlfriend. Unlucky for you, you are both good looking and you have a girlfriend. We can smell those things on a man miles away."

"So I fucked up?" Chris spoke helping me open the bag, I appreciated that. They were always so hard to open. I grabbed a handful and picked out the green ones and gave them to Chris. Then I ate the yellow ones, then the orange, so the purple ones and lastly the red skittles.

"Yes, you did," I answered him while sucking on another red skittle. "They are now going to fight between them until only one is standing. Then that person will fight me in holmgang. I need to start training like now, if I want to have any chance of keeping you. And I need to get up before sun rise. If I don't get killed, I'm going to kill you Chris. Do you know what you have just done to me? I won't be forgetting this."

"You Norwegians are a weird type of people." Emma laughed at Chris' statement.

We drove in silence before we pulled up in front of Chris' apartment. I had been sleeping most of the way and woke up by Chris carrying me inside and placing me on the sofa. He handed me a bell. "When you need something, ring with this. And for the love of God, remember what the doctors at the hospital told you about walking and doing chores."

"Ja da," I took the bell from his hand. It was cheesy. But I loved it. "I remember."

I could have a lot of fun with this, Chris was going to regret ever giving me this bell to begin with. 

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Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now