59 | Rock, Paper, Scissors, ...

421 23 51

May 17th 2021

Caroline Danielsen

The side of my thumb had started to bleed, my pointer finger wouldn't stop picking at the skin at the nail. Everything depended on how this conversation turned out. I had agreed to meet her at a coffee shop, not that I liked coffee. But the water they had here wasn't too shabby.

I checked the time on my phone every five seconds, the seconds feeling like hours. People walking past the window on the street. Everyone is going to do their own thing. Couples celebrating, families going for a walk. Others were window shopping. It looked like they had nothing to worry about, and maybe they didn't.

The sun was shining and it looked like a beautiful day, a day I wasn't sure I could enjoy. The sun shone in through the window of the old cafe. I loved how it looked. And the atmosphere was relaxed. Perfect for a conversation that might not go my way.

"Caroline?" The redhead sat down on the opposite side of me at the table pulling me out of my thoughts. I pushed a cup with coffee over to her, and she took it and smiled.

"I wasn't sure what you liked, so I just ordered a plain coffee." I took a napkin and dried the blood away.

"That's okay. If it contains coffee I will drink it. Thank you. I guess we are not here to discuss coffee." I shook my head. I had no desire to talk about coffee or other bullshit. There was one goal for this conversation, to either hate Chris for the rest of my life, or get back together with him.

I hated the path our relationship had gone in and I hated myself for not just staying in with Chris that night. Oh, and I hated the author of my life, for making my life a miserable living hell. Like, what's the deal? She just had to give me a father that abused me, divorced parents, and a boyfriend I wasn't even sure was my boyfriend anymore, who loved me so much. And I hadn't done anything wrong. Yet.

Where has my life gone? I only hoped that this conversation was going to go well. I prayed a silent prayer to my author to be kind to me, just this once. Please, I beg you. Be kind to me. I'm not sure I can handle it anymore.

"I want to know what happened between you and Chris. And just so you know...I know if you are lying." Or so I hoped.


"So you didn't sleep together?" Charlotte shook her head. They hadn't slept together. That was a relief. It didn't mean that me and Chris had nothing to talk about. There was a big dinosaur between us that we desperately needed to go extinct.

"No, we didn't. Do you want me to go through it again?" Charlotte smiled softly at me.

"That would be nice. If it's not too much trouble for you..." I hated being a burden to people, but it would make me more certain that it was true. If she changed her story, it would indicate that she was lying.

"Of course not." She put her napkin into her now empty cup, I had started to peel at the skin on my thumb, and it had begun to bleed again. "We met at the bar downtown, he was already drunk, and asked if I wanted to come back to his place. I said yes, not knowing that you two were a thing. Again I'm so sorry. So when we arrived at your guys' place he started to kiss me, and then he began to cry. He said that I didn't taste like Line, who I assume is you. And that he loves her very much."

My heart swelled at her words. They were true. "I got him to bed, and he undressed himself down to Adam's form. He pulled me down on him and was about to go at it again, when he just stopped. He grabbed the pillow you usually would have slept on and placed it under his head. I was about to leave, when he stopped me. So I sat down on the bed again with my back to the headboard."

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now