38 | Bossy

519 34 96

August 22th 2020

My hands were shaking while I was waiting for the test to show the result. The five minutes felt like five hours. My timer went off and I jumped at the sound. Walking over to the counter top in the bathroom I didn't want to look at it.

I picked up the test and looked at the plus sign on the display.


It couldn't be. I couldn't be pregnant. I was protected. I couldn't do this without Chris.

The banging on the door pulled me out of my shocked state. "Caroline Franksdottír Danielsen!" My father yelled from the other side. "Why aren't you in the kitchen, making dinner?"

"I'm sorry daddy," I hid the test in between my things making sure it couldn't be seen. I knew it was just a temporary hiding spot, my father was to go through my things in the bathroom. "I just had to pee. I will start now."

Walking past my dad I gave him a smile, to mask my secret from him. He could never know about me being pregnant. He was going to beat me to death if he ever did find out.

I stood over the stove in my own thoughts. Placing a hand on my stomach I whispered to it. "I promise to take care of you."


"It's time to change your bandages Caroline." Chris walked towards me while I backed up on the sofa. He sat down on the other end placing the tools down on the table in front of us. I pulled the blanket I was wrapped in even closer around my body. "Come on, babe."

"No!" He was in for a fight. I knew it, he knew it. It was the same each time. He would try to change my bandages and clean my wounds, and I would fight him. You would have thought that I would be used to it, but no, it hurted just the same each time. I was trapping down on my pain medication as well, meaning I could feel everything so much more. I only took two pills of Paralgin Forte each day at this point. "It is going to hurt. I don't want to."

Chris stood up from his spot and came to sit down in front of me, on the floor. "I know it's going to hurt. I know, Line. But you have to, you know that. I promise to be careful. Or you can do it yourself. But if you are honest with yourself, that is not going to happen."

He tried to move the blanket from my body but I slapped his hands away. "Please don't be difficult." He tried again, his actions leading to me pushing him away. "I said I don't want to. Just leave me alone. Please." I tried to push him away, harder this time. He didn't seem to be affected by it. He simply just grabbed my wrists in his hands and kissed mine.

"Please Caroline," He begged. He knew that was the only way to get me to agree. But not today. I had woken up in a bad mood. He had to try harder. I wasn't going to back down that easily.


"Let's make a deal." He tried, letting go of my hands and I pulled the blanket around me again, and laid back down on the pillow facing him. That peaked my interest.

"What deal?" I questioned him. "And what's in it for me?"

He thought about it. He hadn't expected me to agree. "Well...I didn't think you would agree...so...I don't have a deal. Can't you just cooperate for once?"


I could see he was thinking about something before he turned on the TV and found a true crime show. Sneaky son of Huldra. He knew that was going to distract me enough for him to change the bandages, clean my wounds, and put on new ones. Noting down in my head that I was going to kill Emma, I sat up completely forgetting about Chris.

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now