49 | Move In With Me

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Caroline Danielsen

I was taking a power nap when Chris entered the bedroom. He laid down beside me as I woke up. "Hi there." I smiled rolling over to face him. Placing a kiss on his lips he hummed in satisfaction.

"Did you sleep well?" Chris started to place kisses on my jaw and down my throat. I closed my eyes and let a moan slip out.

"Mhm." I placed my hand on the nape of his neck pulling his lips to mine. "Are we going to have sex now?" Chris let out a laugh and moved his hands up under my t-shirt. "Actually, I came to ask you about something."

"Bummer." I shivered when his fingers brushed over my breast. "I was really hoping you woke me up to have sex. But okay, what did you want to ask me?"

"When are you planning on moving in here?" I had been waiting for him to ask me, but decided to be just a little bit difficult.

"And what makes you think I want to do that?" I flashed him a smile and Chris groaned and pulled me to his chest. All I wanted was to move in here. Besides, I was practically already living here. All that was left was for me to say up my lease and move my stuff out from my apartment.

"I just thought since you already live here most of your time," Chris used his fingers to stimulate my nipples, rolling the already hardened buds in between his fingers. "And I have already terminated the lease in your name. So you don't really have a choice."

"How did you do that?" I laughed and I ran my fingers through his hair as he placed wet open kisses on my collarbones. "I don't have a choice other than moving in here, do I?" I moved my hand down to Chris' crotch, feeling his already hard on bulging through his pants. The effect I had on him.

"Oh. That was easy. No problem at all." Chris moved one of his hands from my chest down into my shorts. He used his fingers to spread my wetness around my clit. "I just borrowed one of your dresses and a pair of shoes. Used some make up and borrowed a wig from a friend. Walked down to the office and asked to terminate the lease."

"No problem at all." I agreed knowing he wasn't being serious. Chris' fingers disappeared into me as he massaged the sweet spot deep inside of me. "Guess I'll just have to move in here then. Congratulations, you just earned yourself a roommate. We should celebrate with sex."

Chris chuckled before he rolled me under him. "Oh, I intend on doing that."

"Who is that?" Chris held up my teddybear. We were going through my stuff from my apartment trying to figure out what I could throw away and what I could keep. Not that anything could be thrown away. Every item I had, had its purpose. Whether it was a functional use or the item just had a sentimental purpose. I couldn't throw things away. I just couldn't. Bad things would happen if I did.

"That's my teddybear, Fisk. We are not going to throw that away." I ripped the teddy bear out of his hand. Bringing it up to my nose inhaling the scent. This was one of those things that had a sentimental purpose.

"What name is that?" Chris asked while he put the rest of the stuff in the box we had decided would be the "bring along to the new house"-box. We also had a "going to storage"-box, not that it would get full. I had decided that I would sell most of my furniture, I hadn't grown that attached to them yet. It would bug me, but Chris had told me we didn't have the space, and I had eventually agreed.

"Fisk is Norwegian and means fish." I explained, not knowing that he understood what Fisk meant. It hadn't been what he meant, but I didn't get that. I still didn't know that he was starting to understand Norwegian more and more.

"But he is a bear?" Duh, I knew that.

"Yeah, I know he is a bear."

"Where is the logic in that, Sweetheart?"

"There isn't any logic. That's the whole point. I was five. Give the girl some credit. I worked with what I had." I had a lot of teddy bears and other random stuff from all the times my father had been sent to prison. Every time it would feel like my heart was shredded to pieces, the splinters went around my body making it ache and I was in constant pain. Nobody seemed to understand what was wrong, and I did see multiple doctors. They all said the same; I was completely healthy, and was probably just seeking attention.

They should just have known.

Chris seemed to notice that I was falling into my own mind, bringing back memories. "Are you okay baby?" I looked up at him. Nodding, I placed the teddy bear in the box. I stood up from my spot on the floor. "I just need some fresh air. I will be back."

I put on my shoes before leaving the apartment, the tears were threatening to escape my eyes. Tilting my head up to the sky I forced the tears back in. I sat down on the steps up to the front door to the apartment building and rested my head on my arms which I had folded over my knees.

People were walking past on the busy street, but I didn't notice them. They were just shadows passing by. I had been pulled into my own mind. Me and Chris had been going through stuff I hadn't looked at in years, and it had brought back memories I didn't want to remember.

"Hey babe!" I looked up to see Rick coming towards me before he sat down beside me and pulled me into a side hug. "What are you doing?"
"Just thinking. Chris is inside packing down my apartment. I needed some air." I leaned my head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. He didn't need to say anything for me to understand that he got it. There wasn't anything he could say. "What are you doing here?"

"I came over to ask you if you wanted to have a pamper night with me and Jared sometime next week? Maybe the night before your big movie premier?"

I grinned. "Of course I would like that. I had been meaning to ask if you wanted to come? As my plus one?" Rick kissed the top of my head before he pulled back.

"Sure, I'll come with you. But what about Chris? Isn't he your plus one? I don't want to come in between you two." I let out a small laugh. He was so cute to worry about it. But there was nothing to worry about. "You won't. Don't worry Rick. Chris is bringing his brother Scott. I will be left out anyway."

Someone was clearing their throat behind us. Turning my head I saw Chris standing on the top step with a box in his hands. I scrambled to my feets, before I grabbed the box from his hands giving him a quick kiss on his lips. "You remember Rick?"

Chris nodded, clearly uncomfortable with how Rick had been having his arm around me, comforting me in a way Chris should have. "This is the last box there is space for in the car, baby. We can come back tomorrow and get the rest. Let's go."

He helped me stuff the box into the car before I pulled Rick into a hug. "I will just text you about next week. Say hello to Jared from me."

"You got it babe."

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