60 | Talking

397 23 19

We were walking down the path in the park, hand in hand, with Dodger sniffing around us pulling on his leash. "I don't think I can say this enough. But I'm very sorry for the way I treated you, baby." Chris squeezed my hand as he talked. "I wish I could take it back. And I understand if you don't want to come back to me. I understand that."

"Here's the thing Chris," I started as I freed Dodger from his leash when we reached the dog park and he ran off happily to spend some time with his dog friends. I sat down on a bench and Chris sat down beside me.

"I might not trust you at the moment, your words hurt me tremendously. But despite all that, I still want to be with you. Whether I like it or not, or you like it for that matter, you are the love of my life."

"You are mine as well, babe. But I mean it when I say that you shouldn't just forgive me. What I did was unforgivable. You have a big heart...please tell me what I can do to earn your trust back."

"You can for example..." I thought about it. "Tell me where you are at any time of the day. Let me be the boss over you. What I say, goes. And you let me decide when I'm ready. No touching, we sleep in the same bed, but I don't want any cuddles. Not yet. When I look at you right now, all I can see is the woman with her hands all over you."

Dodger came over with a stick in his mouth and Chris took it from him and threw it for Dodger to run after it. I can do that. You are really amazing, Caroline. Do you know that?"

"So I've been told. Can we go home now? I'm tired."

"Of course we can. But I don't like that you seem to let this conversation just go so freely. We need to talk properly about it."

"Nothing is forgotten. Trust me."


"Jared has prescribed new medications for me." I laid down on the bed after changing into one of Chris' t-shirts. "They don't make me as sick as my old ones did."

Chris sat on the edge of the bed, with his elbows on his knees. "That sounds really great. What has he given you? Anything I need to learn?" I pulled the covers over my body and used the corner of the duvet as an extra pillow.

"Those pills are some OCD medications that we don't have in Norway, and they help me a lot. And an injection to make me sleep if I'm having a hard time sleeping. I'm sure either Rick or Jared can give you a lecture on how to use it. I still need to get my things from their place."

"Don't worry about that. Just get some rest." He leaned down and kissed my forehead. It was against my rules for him, but I let him off the hook this once.

"But I do worry, Chris. I overstayed my welcome there."

"You worry too much, baby. You didn't overstay your welcome. Rick loves you, you are like his younger sister."

I closed my eyes and let out a big jawn. "Siblings do fight. Just look at Norway and Sweden."


Chris Evans

When Chris left the bedroom he pulled his phone out from his back pocket. He found Rick in his contact list and pressed the call button. He answered it straight away. "Chris, hi! Is Caroline with you? She never came back after she left the apartment earlier today."

"Yes, she's just taking a nap. I was wondering if I could stop by to pick up her things?"

"Of course. That's no problem at all. Both me and Jared are home, so it's just to stop by."

"I will be there in about twenty minutes. Bye."

"See you then." Chris hung up the phone before he found a post-it note and wrote a quick note to Caroline. Walking as quietly he could back into the bedroom, he had to smile when he saw Caroline. She was sprawled out on the bed. He placed the note down on the bedside table so she would see it if she woke up before he was back.

The drive to Rick and Jared was shorter than Chris had imagined. He was welcomed by Rick in the door who invited him in. "I have packed her things in her bag. Her new medication is in a plastic bag inside. If you want we can go over how to use it some other day?"

"That would be nice, thank you. What if you and Jared come over to us for dinner somewhere in the near future, and you can teach me then, when Line is present."

They agreed to just discuss it further at a later time before Chris drove back home.

"You're awake." Chris put the bag down on the floor in front of the closet. "Hey, what's wrong?" He came over to sit down on the bed beside Caroline.

"I'm an aunt now." Caroline smiled big. "Gustav just texted me. Amalie had the baby a few hours ago. I'm an aunt."

"Congratulations! That's so gre-"

"Shh...he's calling me. Be quiet." She answered the FaceTime call and Gustav came into view. He looked tired, which wasn't weird since it was in the middle of the night in Norway. "I want to see the baby."

"I was going to show you. Just hold on a minute." Gustav moved himself to the hospital bed with Amalie sitting in it with the most beautiful baby boy in her arms.

"Oh, how adorable she is."

"He's a boy."

"Then he is just average. What are you going to name him?"

"First off all, don't Pitch Perfect me, Ceecee. We were thinking Mathias after grandpa."

"That's beautiful. And I just had to. You know I love those movies. But you guys look very tired, so I will leave you to it. I love you so much."

Caroline hung up the phone and placed it on the bed beside her. "Isn't that just the most beautiful baby you have ever seen? I hope our kids will be as pretty and cute."

"He was very cute, yes. And I know that our kids will be just as beautiful, because their mother is drop dead gorgeous."

"Their father isn't bad himself. He has started to get some grey in his hair and beard, making him even more delicious than what he already is. I think I should put a collar on you and a tracker under your skin in the neck and have you on a leash when we are walking outside so other dogs, or girls if you want, know that you are taken by this gorgeous woman right here." Caroline moved her hands in a downward motion to show him what she meant.

"Sounds like you have it all figured out."

Author's note:

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Author's note:

How is everyone doing?

This book is coming to an end, with only a few chapters left. And I'm excited to wrap it up. (Hopefully I will write the last chapters during this week, but we will see what happens.)

Let me know what you think :)

And as always: Stay awesome and eat dessert before dinner.

Go give @goldilocks0988 and her book "Love in the time of Covid" a read, trust me you won't regret that <3 she's such a wonderful writer and a good friend <3 (it's a Chris Evans fan fiction, and is so well written and you have no idea how proud I am of her)

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें