18 | Not Worthy of Love

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Third person

Caroline didn't know what to answer Chris. First of all she had asked him if he wanted to be her daddy. Then she asked if he was willing to fuck her. That man had her confused. She looked straight ahead with a blank expression. She missed her wine bottle. Standing up from her seat she went straight over to the refrigerator. Opening it she groaned, she noticed that she was out of wine. Walking over to her entry way she put on her shoes and grabbed her keys.

"Where are you going?" Chris blocked the door. She tried to push past him but he was too strong for her. "Move Chris," She hissed. "I don't have any wine left. And I need it. I'm going to the store." Chris wouldn't let her move. She let out a small scream and stomped back to the sofa and sat down. She turned on her TV. That was the only thing she had bought herself. They showed some cartoons and she started to laugh. Her laugh was something that Chris had never heard before. It seemed forced. It didn't seem like a this-is-funny-laughter.

He sat down beside her, not sure what to do or say. He just sat beside her in silence looking at the screen, he also looked at Caroline regularly. He couldn't understand what had gotten to her. What had happened to his sunshine? And what was up with her dad? He had so many questions.

"My dad doesn't love me," Caroline had stopped laughing. Her voice was monotone. "I don't think he ever did. Not really. He said he did. But I was to blind to see he was just manipulating me." She leaned back on the sofa and tucked her legs under her. "Everything I own he bought for me. Except for my TV. He was my hero."

She was now on a rant. Everything just poured out of her. "He told me I wasn't worthy of love. Then I got together with Simon and he proved him wrong, but then he cheated on me, so I guess my father was right. I was so stupid. If I had only listened to my dad, I wouldn't have been sitting here now. Oh my red fire hydrant, I'm going to be sick." She stood up and covered her mouth with her hand. There was a reason why she didn't drink much. She could never handle it. She sprinted to her bathroom and got over her toilet just in time. She emptied her stomach. Chris came into her bathroom and held her hair away from her face. Using his other hand he stroked her up and down her back.

"It's okay," He coaxed. "Let it all out. It will get better." He had been in her situations on multiple occasions. Drugs and drinking. He had done both. But he never had someone to help him through it.

January 1st 2006, Massachusetts General Hospital

Chris had been invited to a party at his friend Steve's house on New Year's Eve. Steve had promised him alcohol of every kind and possibly drugs. Chris never said no to a party like that. Never. What he didn't know then, was that that night could have killed him, if he hadn't heard the voice in his head.

His father had started to drink again and Chris needed the distraction. His brother, Scott had tried to talk some sense into him, but to no avail. His night had started simple. Tequila and vodka shots. Then some beers, and then some more shots. He topped it whole off with a few stripes of cocaine.

A young girl had found him passed out on the bathroom floor. When she couldn't get him to wake up she called 911. The paramedics showed up, and so did the police. While Chris was transported to the hospital, his friends got arrested for the possession of cocaine. He swore that this was the last time he did drugs. His drinking, he is never going to let go off.

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now