51 | Baking Frustrations

370 23 60

A week after the film premiere

Chris Evans

Chris walked into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee. What he didn't expect was for Caroline to be standing over a cookbook muttering under her breath. She looked clearly upset. "Why do Americans have to be so helsikes different all the time?" He walked over to her and wrapped his hands around her waist. "What's wrong baby?"

"Nothing Chris." She pushed him off her trying to measure the flour. "Nothing's wrong." He sighed heavily before sitting down at the kitchen table. "Talk to me baby. What's wrong?"

"Why do you just assume something is wrong? I said nothing is wrong."

"Because you are in a mood. Now what's wrong?"

"Why do you have to have a different measuring system than the rest of the world? Why can't you just be normal and use the same system as the rest of us? You don't have to be different all the time. Like, a stick of butter? Come on. You can't messaure things in sticks. That's not even a real measurement." Caroline threw her hands up in frustration, and Chris felt sorry for her. It hadn't been easy for her to start thinking with American measurements and dollars, he knew that.

"I was going to make a cake, but how am I supposed to be able to show them that I can do things? When I can't even bake a simple cake." Caroline huffed while throwing the batter in the sink. She was cleaning her utensils, the one she hadn't used yet, slamming with the cabinet doors and the drawers as she went.

"Sit, Caroline." Chris pointed to the chair in front of him. Caroline sat down and crossed her arms over her breasts. "What?" How mad she was. Chris couldn't understand it. "Who says you can't do anything?" Chris tried, his voice was soft. There must be a reason why his girlfriend was so angry all the time.

"Everyone." She stated simply. "Him. It really doesn't matter who says it, when it's true. The best I can do is have a husband that will hit me. I've known that since I was ten. It doesn't matter. Because I will never be enough."

"Who is everyone, Line?" Chris had his arms on the table, leaning forward. Caroline let out an angry groan before standing up. "Are you stupid or something?" She found the magazine she had bought a few days ago. She smacked it down on the table in front of her before sitting down again. Opening to the page she had marked.

"It was a mediocre performance from Caroline Danielsen." She read the headline, Chris' heart knitting together as she kept on reading. "Poor Chris Evans who had to share the screen with her. She was like an actress from Wish. Cheap and bad. What did the Russo brothers think when they let her portray Katarina? Here is a list of ten other actresses that would be better for the role. You said I was good. Did you lie to me Chris?"

"I would never lie to you, baby." So that was the cause for her mood. "I meant it when I told you you were good. You shouldn't be reading those magazines. They don't know what they are talking about."

Chris could see that got Caroline to think. He could also see she was looking at the table. He knew her OCD would kick in any minute. When they bought the table he told her it wasn't a good idea to go for the round table. "Why did we buy the round table? It's so impractical. What if we want to move it to the wall? It certainly won't fit. There will be unnecessary space between the wall and the table. This was a stupid purchase Chris."

"Have you taken your OCD medication today baby?" She shook her head.

"I don't want to either." Chris stood up from his seated position. Walking over to the sink he filled her favourite mug with water before finding the box with her medication. Taking out a pill from the blisters he walked back over to the table. Before he sat down again he placed the mug and the pill in front of her.

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now