41 | Making Up For Missed Time

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Hi! Just me, your favourite author (probably not). Plese listen to "Sex on Fire" by Kings of Leon, on a low volume, to intensify the smut scene at the end. Or don't, I can't really tell you what to do :) 

I hope you enjoy.


December 17th 9 am

"Rise and shine, beautiful." Chris sat down on the bed and started to run his fingers through my hair. I groaned and pulled the duvet over my head. I was not a morning person. And was never going to become one either. I was having such a good dream, and Chris just had to wake me up.

"Just thirty more minutes, please?" He could barely hear my muffled voice from under the thick duvet. "It's still too early."

Chris found my face in between the sheets and leaned down and kissed me. "No more minutes. You need to get up now." He pulled the duvet off my head and my messy hair came into view and my eyes were still shut. The light was too bright. "Come on now. I have made breakfast."

I was about to tell him I wasn't hungry when my stomach rumbled. Ratting me out. Traitor. "Fine, give me five minutes and I will be down stairs."

Chris got up from his spot and I pretended to get out of bed. I was going to get thirty minutes more of sleep, no matter what he said. When he was out of the room I got back into bed and tucked the duvet back around me and closed my eyes. He was so easy to fool, it was funny.

But of course Chris knew what I was doing because before I knew it, he had come back into the bedroom and thrown me over his shoulder. "Put me down," I shrieked, resulting in my ass getting slapped. The action going straight to my core. If the doctor didn't give us the clear today...

"No, I don't think so," Chris swatted my ass again and I yelped out. "I like this view."

He walked us into the kitchen before he put me down in a chair at the table. "Eat. It's your favourite breakfast. I will go pick out an outfit for you."

In front of me were a bowl of wild berry yoghurt topped with corn flakes and raisins. I started to eat and it tasted like heaven, and a moan slipped out of me. It was an underrated combo, and I had never met anyone else that liked that combo. I finished my breakfast in record time. Chris wasn't back yet so I decided to get some more sleep before we had to leave for my doctor's appointment.

I folded my arms on the table and leaned my head down on them and closed my eyes. I was just going to rest my eyes for a while.

"Line, you need to wake up now," Chris was standing over me. "You need to go get dressed. We are going to be late. I gave you, your thirty minutes."


"Are you ready? This can hurt." Doctor Moss looked at me. They had used staples the second time, and now he was about to quite literally rip them out of my skin. I had gotten local anaesthetics, but I knew it was going to hurt a bit anyway. I nodded at the doctor.

I felt bad for him, I wasn't the easiest patient he had. But in my defence he had to poke me three times with the needle to give me the anaesthetics, and I was not a big fan of needles.

I looked over at Chris, he was pale. All his blood had drained from his face. "Are you okay, Chris?"

"Mhm. Fine."

Doctor Moss was two stitches in when Chris fell to the floor with a thump. I wanted to laugh. He had fainted because of a few drops of blood. This was something I was going to use against him for all eternity. "Oh my, are you okay Chris?"

Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now