52 | Back Scratching

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The next morning, Saturday March 20th 2021

Caroline Danielsen

I woke up exhausted from the day before. Chris had fucked me to sleep and I didn't complain one bit. As of right now I was laying in bed, sleep still evident on my hair. Chris had gone up early to go for a run. I had tried to tell him we had gotten plenty of cardio last night, but he had insisted on taking a lap or two in the park. It was enough cardio for me though. I still ached.

My phone was buzzing on the nightstand, Chris had placed it there before he went out in the early morning hours. I had forgotten it outside last night, happy that it hadn't been raining throughout the night. Grabbing the phone I unlocked it and saw that I had gotten a text from Rick.

Hey babe! You still up for tonight?

Ofc! Can't wait. Are you picking me up or..?

Yup. I will be at your house at seven pm.

That work for you?

Yes <3 see you then.

I placed my phone on the bed beside me and rolled over grabbing Chris' pillow in my arms. I inhaled his scent. Closing my eyes I tried to get some more sleep. The day after one of my episodes always left me tired out. I didn't get to close my eyes before my phone buzzed again on my nightstand.

"Hi Mor," My mother showed up on the screen. "Is there something that you want?"

"Yes actually," She put the phone down on her desk in her office. "Chris called me-"

"No Mor." I cut her off. "Don't go there. I know it was stupid of me, but I have everything under control. It won't happen again, I promise."

"Why didn't you take your medication?"

"Because they make me sick Mor. You know that." I didn't want to argue with her. It never led to any good. And I didn't like that Chris had called her behind my back.

"What about trying something else? Could that be something you think? You are the pharmacist here. It's you that knows what type of medications there are."

"I have tried everything there is, you also know that. But I suppose I can find a doctor here and maybe she or he can put me on something else. Something that we don't have back home. I don't know."

"That sounds like an excellent idea. I have to go, jenta mi. But I will talk to you later. Ha det godt da."

"Ha det." I hung up the phone and groaned out loud. Chris just had to call her. He just had to. This was another reason to get mad. But I would not let it ruin my mood. I was going to have fun with Rick in the evening, and Chris was soon home again. Deciding that I wanted a shower, I got out of bed and found some clean clothes before walking into the bathroom, grabbing the speaker on my way.

Connecting my phone to it I put on my favourite songs. I stepped into the shower, letting the water heat up before I stepped under it. I let the water soothe my muscles before I grabbed my shampoo. Squeezing out a good amount in my palm, I placed the bottle down to the floor and lattered the shampoo up in my hands.

I jumped when I felt two hands on my hips pulling me against its body. I was ready to turn around and fight when I heard Chris' voice in my ear. "So you are taking a shower without me? What happened to you wanting to save the planet?"

"I can still do that," I shuddered when his hands went to my core. "Will you help me?" He grabbed the shower head and tilted my head back and rinsed out my shampoo. Not exactly what I meant. "Don't worry baby, we can still go for round two in the shower when I have rinsed my body from the sweat."

I took the body wash and lattered it in my hands before I started to rub Chris in with it. He rinsed himself off before he placed the shower head back to its place on the wall.

Wrapping my hands around his neck I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. "Someone's eager?" Chris laughed while he supported me by placing his hands under my ass.

"I'm going to say something that is so cheesy I might throw up. But I'm high on you. You are my drug."

Chris got a grin around his mouth before he pushed us up against the wall. He grabbed my hands and placed them over my head, trapping my wrists in his hand before he lined himself up with me and thrusted hard. I cried out in ecstasy.


I was drying my hair with a soft towel in the bathroom. Chris had placed himself on the bed after he had put my phone on charging. He was reading a book and looked at me over the edge of the book with small periods of time in between.

"Can you check who I got a text from?" My music had disappeared for a second, indicating that I had received a text or a notification from someone.

"Of course Line!" Chris yelled back to me. "What is your code?"

"One two three four!" I yelled back, earning a laugh from Chris. I hung the towel to dry before walking into the bedroom again.

"I thought you said that was a stupid code?" Chris watched me with his eyes as I got myself dressed.

"I've never said I was smart, have I?" I laughed as I laid myself on Chris. "Who was the text from?" I closed my eyes and wrapped a hand around his torso.

"Rick." Chris' voice showed clear discomfort. What I didn't know was that he had read the previous texts where Rick had called me 'babe'. "He asks if it's okay for you if he picks you up at seven thirty instead."

"Give me my phone." He handed it to me and I texted back that it was totally okay with me, before turning it off and throwing it on the bed beside us. "Can you scratch my back?"

He moved his hand under his t-shirt which I was wearing and started to scratch his nails softly over my back. He sighed loud and I opened my eyes and looked up at him. "Hey. What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing."

"Come on. I can see there is something." I placed my hand on his cheek and lent up and peeked his lips.

"Do you have to go out with Rick? I thought we could spend the day in bed. Together."

I shifted my position and he kept on scratching my back. I moaned out in satisfaction. It reminded me of when my mother would do the same when I was little. "That would be lovely, but you know, friends are very important. And I like Rick. He is my best friend. Do you have a problem with me going out with him?"

Chris shook his head. "No, of course not. You are allowed to have friends."

"Good, because if you don't like me going out with him, you should just say so."


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Good isn't perfect [c.e] | 18+ a Chris Evans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now