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Author's pov

Y/N cried out at the sight in front of her. On the other hand, Namjoon frowned before looking at the boy.

'Aish, why my voice is working well while I am alone? But why would it shake whenever I sing in front of the judges?!' The boy sighed.

'No! You are good at your own!' Y/N said to the boy making him flinch.

'H-huh?! Who are you?'

'Someone who can assure you about your future! Please come to HYB- BigHit! Here is my card.'

Y/N froze when she saw a pile of cards in the boy's hand but still put hers at the top and squeezed his hands while smiling a little.

'o-okay? But why are you crying noona?'

'I-it's nothing! Maybe some dust....'

'Oh...But there are so many companies. Why do you want me to join yours?' The boy asked with his big doe eyes.

'B-because.......because WE HAVE NAMJOON! KIM NAMJOON!' Y/N screamed and pointed to Namjoon.

The boy looked behind her and noticed a smiley Namjoon.

'Hello, I am Kim Namjoon.'

'Y-you are Namjoon hyung?! I..I am a big fan of yours!' The boy chimed.


'I have watched all of your shows!'

'Thank you kiddo. What's your name?'

'His name is Jeon Jungkook!' Y/N answered excitingly.

'Yes! Nice to meet you hyung!' Jungkook took Namjoon's hand and started to shake it quickly.

'O-oh, nice to meet you too...'











Y/N and Namjoon sat down after seeing off Jungkook. Y/N sighed in relax that Jungkook agreed because of Namjoon. But at that moment the reality hit her.

'Oh no....Taehyung...hngh.' She sighed.



'That's all, thank you for auditioning.'

Namjoon looked at a disturbed Y/N looking at her diary.

'What happened? I think some of them have really good potential.'

'U-uh, it's not like that....It's just the one I am waiting for hasn't come yet.'

'Oh, you have a certain person coming for the audition?'

N-No! I-I mean, I am looking for one certain potential among these participants! But I haven't found it yet!'


'What an absorbed reason you gave Kwon Y/N!' She scolded herself.

'Wait! Am I late?'


'That was the last person.' One of the staff said.


'It's okay, we can look among those who were good today and we will try to make them work hard for that certain potential!' Namjoon tried to cheer Y/N up.

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