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'Oh, my baby! How are you feeling?!'

Y/N's lips trembled when her mother came forward and caressed her cheeks. She trembled and blinked a few times to look clearly.

It really was her mother. Hoshi tightened his grip on her hands when he felt her shivering. Jayhyuk also smiled when he saw his aunt.

The trio siblings saw the old lady for the first time after many years yet it felt that they had seen her just a few days ago. It was because of the sudden memories being overflooded. Many things have changed. Like, there was no beach house where her father used to stay after their mother died.

They lived together. Y/N was currently staying in Jayhyuk's apartment because his apartment was close to her university and she had an exam coming. So she was staying with her cousin.

'Omma, let the doctor check her vitals.' Hoshi said when he noticed the doctor standing behind his father to give the family members some time to spend.

Jayhyuk and Hoshi stood on the left side, letting the nurse and doctors do their work. Y/N's parents sat on the couch.

'It seems like your reactions are a little slow. It's okay because you have been in a coma for more than a month. You have to stay here for 2 days more before you have to go outside for some fresh air and Vitamin D. Your skin color will come back to the way it was after a few days so don't be afraid because of your pale skin. If you need to go to the bathroom, call the nurse over every time.'

Y/N nodded.

'It's nothing okay? It's normal. Even Jayhyuk hyung sometimes reacts late.' Hoshi tried to calm her down after sensing her fear.

Y/N nodded again.

'Y/N, princess...My baby..' Her father kissed her head and hugged her.

Both of her parents cried as Y/N sobbed silently.

'Omma....I...I want to eat the food you cooked...Can you cook for me?' Y/N asked in a small voice.

'Of course! I will make some porridge for you and when you are released from here, I will make lots of dishes of your favorite foods!' Her mother smiled.





After the crying and happy scene was over, her parents left to fetch clothes, toothbrushes, and other daily things for Y/N.

As soon as Hoshi, Y/N, and Jayhyuk were the only ones in the room, Y/N shifted her body towards her brothers.

'Did I succeed? Did they succeed? Is BTS famous?'

Hoshi sighed and smacked her head.

'Yaa Soonyoun-' Y/N pressed her lips tightly after realizing that Hoshi, in the real timeline is older than her. Everyone was now older than her except for her own self.

'What? Huh? First of all, yes they are as successful as you mentioned to me. Second, I feel jealous because you only paid attention to them and not to your own brother and helped him, and third, I am the older one over here so respect me~'

Y/N smiled terribly, wanting to punch that ugly (handsome) face of her brother.

'Okay, kids calm down now.' Jayhyuk came forward to end the war between them.

'Do you know Jayhyuk hyung has made a painting about you?' Hoshi asked as he plopped himself on the couch.

Y/N also laid down on her bed and thought for a while.

'He painted about your special situation. It wasn't there at first. But after having a bunch of new memories, I suddenly had a memory of this. I think the future Y/N never told Jayhyuk hyung nor did she let the future me tell him. Since he knows, the future for 2013 has changed to this new one.'

Y/N also recalled it.

'Ah, wasn't it released in 2022?'

'Yep.' Jayhyuk nodded.

The painting was the most famous painting of Jayhyuk. It showed the pain and dedication of a girl. He also wrote a background story for the painting with a few lines only.

"Trying to hide her pain, she moved forward to remove that pain. She helped others to shine in life again and gave new life to those who were dead. She is a hero for everyone and an angel to the past."

This was now a famous quote and was recorded as a unique story in the Korean record book. He was the second person to get his line written in the golden words of a Korean record book at a young age.

There was a hidden meaning of each line.

'Do you know the meaning of my story?' Jayhyuk suddenly asked.

Y/N shook her head.

'I can't recall the words.'

Jayhyuk nodded and said,

'The first line was...Trying to hide her pain, she moved forward to remove that pain.....It referred to Aunty and Moonbin. You tried to work her to save them while mourning their death. The second line was, She helped others to shine in life again and gave new life to those who were dead. It refers to BTS. You worked so hard to gather each and every one of them and saved money by working extra so that they could have a good future. You even saved money for your brother and me. And I am really thankful for that.' Jayhyuk took a deep breath.

'The other part refers to Aunty and Moonbin again. The third line was, She is a hero for everyone and an angel to the past. You may not know, but you have played a big role for hundreds of people. You made sure to make BTS, SEVENTEEN, saved Aunty and Moonbin, also tried to save that uncle, and saved his family by donating money even though Yoona noona did that but it was your money. And...you also did your best to found BigHit permanently which made many famous groups now and has also founded HYBE with the collaboration of other companies from Korea and abroad.'

'Okay okay, I get it. No need to exaggerate!' Y/N blushed.

'But it's true. I was so shocked when Yoona noona suddenly gave me a bunch of money and told me that I could use it once I was an adult. She told us that you gave every one of us separate money. She waited for the day when one became an adult and gave him his one. Jungkook got his one too late. I actually gave him his one anonymously because...Yoona noona......'

'Onnie what?' Y/N widened her eyes.

'She got married and moved out of Korea after Jimin was an adult. So, she gave Taehyung's one earlier and handed me Jungkook's one. You really gave a big amount to each one of us.' Hoshi narrowed his eyes.

'I thought something happened to her.' Y/N sighed in relief.

But she chuckled slightly after seeing Hoshi's suspension eyes.

'I worked in some part-time job, and since I am from the future, I knew some of the lottery numbers too. hehe. Actually, I remembered some of them vividly and gave a shot, and boom! Also, I worked in online too.'

Hoshi smiled. He hugged her and said,

'Now you can rest. Because you have worked hard. Also....get well soon so that you can know who was trying to harm you.'

His eyes darkened as well as Jayhyuk's too after Hoshi spoke the last part too low. Both of them looked at each other and made up their mind to punish that familiar criminal well.


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