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I gasped and all the things that were in my hands fell as I held my both hands on my ears and closed my eyes tightly.

'Holy sh-'

Even though I held both my ears with my hands, I could clearly hear Namjoon's half-curse as the sound was finally turned off.

I still didn't move from my awkward position. And I very well was aware of how much of a clown I was looking at that moment.

I felt a light press on my left shoulder as my body shrieked a little. I finally opened my eyes and saw each one of them standing with an embarrassed face.

Namjoon and Hoseok's faces become so red that at this point I became so worried about them.



Nor they nor I could speak. I was blushing! For god's sake, how could I just walk in like that!?

I know they are adults now and it isn't a crime to watch those kinds of stuff. Maybe that's why the younger ones were outside.

They knew what these old guys were doing! Oh, poor innocent souls of those make! I should spread Hobi(Holy) water on them!

'I..bought clothes!' I tried to put away the embarrassing situation away.

Since I was the older one here, I had to take the lead no matter how much embarrassing it is.

I took the clothes and gave them their bags. They also happily tried to forget the situation and looked at the clothes.

'Oh! Mine is so cool! Suga!' Yoongi smiled.

I smiled back as I sat down in one corner and let them see each one of their clothes.








'Why do you want me to take this card?' Hoshi asked.

We were inside a cafe. Today I had half duty. Yoona onnie will be doing the other half. I was now rested assured so I thought to talk with Hoshi about something.

'This is the best doctor in Seoul currently for Cancer treatment. Omma is in the first stage. I think if we kill those cancer tissues before they spread more, we can save omma!'

For a second he was so happy that made my heart ache for him. Maybe if we succeed in doing this, in this life, he won't have to take care of me anymore. But in my timeline, Soonyoung oppa had to do some many things for me.

It is impossible for me to clear all the debts. He has done more than enough. Now it is my time to do it for him and my appa and my younger self.

'But... won't it affect your timeline noona?'

'I don't know but maybe it will. Maybe I will forget what oppa did to me and how he took care of me and will remember how omma was with us but it doesn't matter. I am more than happy to see omma alive.'

'Since when were you thinking about this?' Hoshi asked.

'From the beginning actually. After I told you about omma....I looked for the best doctor, collected money, and then talked with him before giving you this visiting card.'

'That's great.' He said as he took a bite of the chocolate pastry.

'But the main problem is how will we bring omma to the chemotherapy hospital for regular check up.' I started to bite my lips when I saw Hoshi's face turning pale white.

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