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'Doctor! Doctor look!! The patient is responding!'

The nurse rushed towards the doctor and showed how Y/N was moving her eyes and hands a little. The doctor immediately pressed the emergency button for his colleague and started to check the patient on the bed.

'Isn't it a miracle? We thought that she was dying only to see that she wasn't dying but trying to wake up! But why are the symptoms backward? The coma patient's waking up proc-'

'Let's look at her first Isabella, then we will talk about the miracle.'

The nurse understood that she was too excited after seeing her patient walking up from a coma after 1 year. This whole time, she took care of Y/N and stayed beside her numerous nights.

Hoshi and Jayhyuk were soon called by the hospital. They called both of them because they had requested that if any news good or bad doesn't matter, the hospital management have to call both of them.

Jayhyuk who was inside an important meeting was shocked when he received the call. He thought that his ears were just ringing because of exhaustion. But when he asked again to the caller what he said, he was astonished enough to lose his grip on the coffee mug in his right hand.

The other people just looked at their supervisor asking one question again and again.

'Did you just say that she woke up?!'

Jayhyuk drove to the hospital as he called Hoshi whose phone was not being picked up. He clearly knew that Hoshi was in Busan for a concert. He knew that he shouldn't disturb his brother but he also knew that this thing was more important than anything else.

After calling Hoshi more than 20 times, he gave up and called his uncle, Hoshi, and Y/N's father and told him that Y/N has woken up. He heard how excited Uncle Kwon was and he reminded his naïve and excited uncle repeatedly not to drive recklessly and take a taxi to come to the hospital.

But before he could drive more, he saw something unusual. The sky was ocean blue making him look at it astonishingly. Nobody could see the unusual thing. It was an eye-catching thing because it was evening time and it was dark everywhere.

The whole sky, the whole area, the whole country, and maybe the whole world flashed a rare mixed color of blue and lavender together which lasted only for 7 seconds and disappeared.

For some reason, Jayhyuk panted heavily as if he just ran a marathon. But something was strange.

Those 7 seconds felt like 7 decades for him. Memories of unknown events flashed inside his brain making him groan until the flash of rays vanished, leaving the street lamp's light to be the only source of light for Jayhyuk to see around.

'What.....' He was surprised, shocked, frightened...and much more...












'Okay okay let's stop now and go inside to change! It's already too late!' Mingyu groaned as he and Seungkwan separated Hoshi, Woozi, and Jun.

But before they could go inside, something happened.

Hoshi who was making fun and was unwilling to go before saying 'horanghae' one last time looked at the sudden roaring of the sky.

There were lots of clouds that night but there were no thunders till now. Not until he noticed the same thing Jayhyuk witnessed. Blue and lavender colors could be seen on the clouds whenever there was a light-struck.

'Hyung, what are those?' Hoshi whispered and asked Jeonghan.

'There is nothing Hoshi-aa.' Joshua who heard him looked at the sky and replied.

'Yep. What are you saying? Are you making another pickup line now for the carats?' Jeonghan asked.

'No. Look at those odd colors on the clouds!'

But before Hoshi could point the rays of ocean blue and lavender rushed towards the whole area, city, and country at the same time as Jayhyuk saw making Hoshi lean towards Joshua scaredly.

His eyes became blind for exactly 7 seconds and unknown memories also started to flash inside his head.


Unlike Jayhyuk who only panted heavily as if he ran a 1000m race, Hoshi who actually had danced to a lot of songs and was already exhausted was nearly about to pass out.



Dino and Joshua quickly held him and helped him go backstage. Carats (fans) didn't notice anything unusual as the camera and they were focused on Jun and Woozi's silly argument.

'You guys should change your dress! Also, Hoshi your phone has been ringing for the past 30 minutes. I think it's important.'

The manager didn't notice anything and handed the phone to Hoshi.

'He is sick! Don't look at the phone and take a breath first okay?' Joshua informed the manager and made Hoshi sit down.

Joshua tried to take the phone away from Hoshi's hand but before he could, the phone's screen was turned on because of the sensor and Hoshi noticed through his trembling eyes that his cousin, father, and some other people had called him many times. His heart trembled. He thought that something might have happened.

But he was scared and froze on his spot when he noticed one of the missed calls from the hospital.

'No no no no no!!!' He felt his world was about to collapse.


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