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'My mind is blank. Who could it be?' Jin sighed.

'Dunno. But I don't think her friends are actually going to harm her.' Hoseok said.

'Yeah. They will be glad to beat someone up for Y/N noona.' Jimin sniffed.

'Did you catch cold Jimin?' Yoongi asked.

'Oh. Yeah. I took a cold shower yesterday since I forgot to turn on the bathroom geyser.'

'Oh.' Yoongi said and took a bite of the sub-sandwich.

'You do realize how absorbed this situation is?! Namjoon hyung won't say anything to us! Wasn't it that day when he told us that he will tell us everything about noona? I seriously can't believe that he was keeping  away so many things about her from us!' Jimin sighed in annoyance.

'But it wasn't even his fault.' Jin said.

'Yes. We had to go to the company.' Hoseok said.

'But still.' Jimin whined.

'He said that he will tell us on June 13.'

All of them looked at Taehyung who walked inside the room with Jungkook.

'How do you know?' Hoseok asked.

'I heard Namjoon hyung talking with himself while writing down something.' Taehyung said.

'June 13.....We only have 14 days left.' Jin said.

'Yes. And I am damn sure that he will tell us on that day because.......'

'Because noona went missing on our anniversary..' Hoseok gasped.


'Noona! Are you okay now?' Jungkook sniffed.

'I am okay.' Y/N laughed weakly.

'We were so worried.' Jin said.

'I know. I am sorry for worrying you too much. Forgive your noona.'

'It's okay. You should now take care of yourself.' Namjoon said.

'I will.'

'It seems like you stressed too much. You are also weak and you have to eat more.' The doctor said.

Y/N nodded.

'You can go now. But do come for your health check-up after one week.'

'Okay. We will bring her here. Thank you, doctor.' Yoongi bowed.




'Eat well!' The nurse waved her hand towards Y/N who walked inside the elevator.

'How can I eat well? Even if I eat more, it won't affect my body because this body is not permanent. My real body is in the hospital. It only has been surviving through the saline.' Y/N sighed.

'Noona what are you thinking?'

'Nothing Namjoon. By the way, where are Hoseok and Taehyung? Are they practicing?'

'Yes. They are thinking of practicing our new choreography more since Taehyung is still making mistakes along with Jin hyung.' Jimin looked at Jin for a second.

'You should've stayed with them Jin!' Y/N scolded.

'Besides, you are idols! How can you guys come here? What if people see this?! Don't go anywhere without the bodyguards or company permission. I know this is too much for your privacy but all of you know how your lives will be after you sign to become an idol.'

Jin and Yoongi understood that for some reason Y/N was being too emotional.

Everyone also noticed how her eyes were glossy from the moment she woke up till now.

As if her eyes are holding tears permanently.

'Mianhae.' Yoongi apologized.

'No, you don't have to. It's....it's for your own safety.'

After the driver parked in front of Y/N's apartment, Y/N walked out and looked at the car driving away with her precious boys.

'I have to make sure that you guys are well till I Need You era. I don't know if I will be with you for more than two years. But I have to make sure you guys can do everything if I am not there.' Y/N sighed as she looked at her phone.

'But before that, I have to do something else.'




'Soonyoung. You have a visitor.'

Hoshi who was singing with Sungcheol and Seungkwan looked behind only to see Y/N and his trainee manager.


Hoshi gasped as the mic fell down on the cushion from his hands. He started to cry loudly making other trainees and his future teammates look at him bewildered.

Seungkwan and S.coups(Sungcheol) also looked at his pity figure who rushed towards Y/N and hugged her.

'Noona! Y-you are okay?' Hosi cried out.

'I am fine kiddo! Look! I am absolutely fine!' Y/N twirled around and smiled brightly at her brother.

'You know how worried I was when I-I got that call from the hospital?!' Hoshi hiccuped.

'Is that so? I am sorry for making you worried and scared.'

'I was so lonely! I had no one beside me to talk with!'

'Why? What happened to your lovely little sister?!'

'Lovely my ass.' Hoshi tsked making Y/N roll at her brother.

'Noona are you Soonyoung's sister?' Y/N saw Mingyu asking.

'A-ah, I am his distant relative!' Y/N hesitated.


Y/N saw the other Mingyu who became an actor in the future and smiled.

'Can I take my brother away for a few minutes?'

'Sure!' The manager said.
Y/N closed the door of the waiting room and hugged Hoshi again tightly, trying to show her love and warmth to him.

'Soonyoung-ah! Noona had no time so listen carefully okay?'

Hoshi froze seeing how Y/N was acting.

'I can save omma! We can save omma! Please bring omma to my house tomorrow. I have a day off till tomorrow.'

'Are you going to say everything to omma?'



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