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'Soonyoung! I am here!'

'Oh. And I thought that guy was Jayhyuk.' Hoshi said as he opened the car door and sat down beside Jayhyuk in the passenger seat.

'That fellow guy has nothing common with me! He doesn't have this sexy body like me. Duh.' Jayhyuk rolled his eyes.

'Yeah yeah. So why you wanted to meet me?' Hoshi asked curiously.

'Y/N'a doctor emailed me that her friends came to visit her.'

'Oh..Then we have to be careful about not showing ourselves in front of them.'

'Yes. You know what, I think something is weird.'

Hoshi frowned as he looked at his brother who was only 6 months older than him.


'Doctors are saying that she should've been awake by now but still she is in a coma. And you told me what happened to her earlier. I really think that someone close is trying to hurt her. Like one of the nurses or doctors.' Jayhyuk said thoughtfully.

'Hmm, but nothing was caught on CCTV. What will we do? We can't hire a huge amount of security for her safety. Why? Because of her safety, we can't hire more.' Hoshi sighed.


Hoshi pushed the door open and got out of the car suddenly making Jayhyuk look at him confusedly.

'I forgot that I had some work to do! See ya!'

Jayhyuk watched his cousin rushing away as he sighed. 

'I should take matters into my hand.' Jayhyuk mumbled.





'So, he is Kwon Jayhyuk?'

'Yes, Yoongi hyung. He is the legal guardian for Y/N noona.' Namjoon said.

'Why is he the guardian of her?'

'Don't know. But the way Hoshi is walking away seems like he and Jayhyuk are related.' Hoseok replied as he keenly looked at Hoshi who rushed towards the car.

Meanwhile, Jayhyuk also started the car and drove away.

Jin started the car as Yoongi looked behind at the back seat where Hoseok and Namjoon were seated.

'Her friends also seem descents.' Jin said.

'Kwon Jayhyuk.....Kwon Soonyoung......Kwon...Y/N....Ain't it something wrong? Seems like something is fishy. Besides when Y/N noona introduced us to Soonyoung, I strongly believed that she introduced him as Lee Chan one of his fellow members Dino's name.' Yoongi stated.

'Yes, that's true. I still believe that something IS fishy. At that time, Pledis wasn't seeking casts. Hoshi and Dino never met until a few months later...or so. Yoongi did you run a background check on her?' Jin asked.

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