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'So...' Yoona looks around the house.

'Please tell me first how did you know that I am a time traveler?'

It was so weird for Y/N to say the word TimeTraveler even though it was true.

'Wait....Are you a fortune teller?! Or are you some evil spirit?!' Y/N shouted.

At this moment everything seemed true to Y/N. She would have believed Yoona if she even said that she was a wizard like Harry Potter or a hero from Avengers because right now she was doubting her existence.

'Girl, don't lose your sanity!' Yoona sighed.

'First, listen to me. Let me introduce myself and my life. You will understand everything slowly.'

Y/N nodded as she sipped her instant cold coffee which she took out from the fridge.

'I am Lee Yoona. My grandparents had 4 sons. My father was the second one. My uncle...the youngest one was a god-gifted person.'

Yoona drank her coffee.

'He was a rude person at first. Like very rude to those who were wrong but still he shouldn't have been. One day he misunderstood an innocent person and thus the person was sentenced to death. My uncle...he was a lawyer by the way...'

Y/N confusedly and patiently listened.

'But after knowing the truth that because of him an innocent person died and his whole family also committed suicide, he blamed himself for murdering 5 people. He repented for years and years. Then one day.... when he was crossing the road, he saw a kid who was about to get hit by a car. He risked his life to save him and....'

Y/N gasped and put her hands above Yoona's hands.

'I am so sorry-'

'No, he didn't die. Instead, he somehow felt a sudden pain and then nothing. His body jerked back and suddenly he found himself in front of my cousin's high school where she studied back then.'

Y/N didn't want to assume things but she still talked with her trembling lips.

'H-he traveled back in time..r-right?'

Yoona gave her a quick smile.


'So...you actually have no connection with me or the boys?!'

'No, my uncle was the one who discovered you first. He asked me to look for you and help you as well as guide you through your journey of time travel.'

'And why would he do that?!'

'Because during his time of traveling back in time, he got help from someone else too who was just like him and you. That person told him to help another one who is in the same situation.'


'You wanted to know how I got to know that you traveled back right? I mean how my uncle found out?'


'It's because of.....actually, he saw you...that day when you came to this timeline. There were purple rays surrounding the whole narrow road of two buildings. Then again he saw you calling your mom in the store.'

'Wait a minute. What the hell is this purple ray?'

'Only those who traveled through times can see some extension things. But right now even I can see how pale your face is.'


'Yes. Becoming pale and often leading your life to death is the side effect of time travel. My uncle almost died two times but he was lucky enough to survive.'

'But why did he travel or I did?! Out of nowhere?!'

'It's like a circle. Nobody knows how people are chosen for this thing but I guess a lot of people's pray actually make it happen. Like in my uncle's case, 90% of people actually prayed for another chance for the family. Uncle repented, and we also prayed for their souls. And maybe more. But your case is like an open book. The amount of people who loves the new idol whom you are guiding is massive right?'

'Yeah. Like too much!'

'That's why. Also, the time is continuing for everyone. For the future you and for the past you too. So the future you also came to the past and did this and that's how you still knew them in your timeline. Now please don't ask me how it works because I seriously don't know.'

'Okay, but why were you trying to separate us?'

'I wasn't. I just wanted to make sure that you can go to your timeline smoothly. Because the person whom my uncle met couldn't go back to her timeline because she couldn't complete her work. She died with a huge pain in her heart. Her best friend and uncle were the only ones who held her funeral because at that time her family had her past self.'

Y/N felt sad for that woman as she sighed.

'Getting attached to the boys can come in handy for you Y/N. If they follow everything you say or do and if they worship you then they won't be able to forget you.'


Y/N sighed but suddenly his mind went back to what Yoona said at the restaurant.

'Wait..how do you know about my memory issues?!'

'You were mumbling the other day while resting your head between your arms in the office room where you thought maybe you were alone. When I came, I intended to wake you up but before I could do that, I heard you saying why am I forgetting my memories why why! Like this.'


'Do you know that this is happening because someone is messing with your real body in your timeline?'

'WHAT?' She spitted her coffee.

'Yes. You will vanish and will blend with nature if your heart stops inside your real body. This body is also real but it has no healing connection with your real one. It's like your body has divided into 50-50. Half is with you and the other half is with someone else.'

Yoona stopped. Took a deep breath before saying,

'Most of the case, the traveler dies because someone actually kills him or her in his deep sleep...'

Y/N thought for a few minutes. She couldn't find anyone but then she thought of that boy who was actually responsible for her to become like this. Become like a time traveler z

'Onnie...Can I please meet your uncle?' Y/N suddenly asked.

'It's true that know your enemy before you know anything else.' Y/N thought.


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