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'She is having a panic attack while being in a coma stage?!' The doctor gasped as he looked at the senior doctor.

'It's rare but not a new thing. We never knew what to do at this moment. So we gave the same treatment as we give to a panic attack person.' The senior doctor said.


Both the doctors looked at the newly arrived people.

'Are you related to Cha-'

'No Kwon Y/N.' Jin cut his sentence and said quickly.

'How is she?' Yoongi asked worriedly.

'She....she will be fine. We are going to shift her to another hospital.'

'Another hospital?' Jin asked confusedly.

'Yes. I said that.'

Both the teenagers looked at Yoona who had a gloomy expression.


'Y/N will be shifted to another hospital don't worry. I know the doctors over there. Besides the doctors here said themselves that they can't do her treatment.'

'Why?' Yoongi asked.

'Because she is a special case.'
Yoona made Jin and Yoongi follow her as they came to the hospital entrance. Their bodyguard looked at Yoona and then backed away a little.

'Guys, let's go. They have already started to shift Y/N to the other hospital.'

Jin and Yoongi followed Yoona as their bodyguards also followed them.



They arrived at the same hospital where Hoshi's mother was having chemotherapy treatment.

Surprisingly they passed by little Y/N and didn't even notice her until the elevator was closed. Jin tried to move his head to see at the familiar face but a different body but failed.

Yoona pressed the 8th number floor. They hurried on their way because the doctor said that Y/N has woken up and the time is too little since she will again fall into a deep sleep.

They saw Y/N being shifted to the next room of OT and waited until they finished her bedding and other arrangements.

'You can come inside.' The nurse said.

As soon as they walked inside, they were greeted by a panicked Y/N.

'Onnie! Tell me he was saved! Please tell me he was saved!'

Y/N choked on her own saliva.

Yoongi and Jin looked at each other. They thought that the guy was someone who knew Y/N.

Yoona sighed.

'H-he is dead Y/N.'

'No! No no no no! I-I tried so hard to save him!' Y/N choked again.

'Y/N please calm down!' Yoona shouted.

'Noona don't panic please!' Yoongi was helpless.

'Yes! Please breathe deeply.' Jin said worriedly.

Y/N shook her head as she held Yoona's hands tightly.

'He gave his life for me again!' She shouted in silence.

'I think you all should exit now. The patient isn't completely awake. Just say the important thing and leave before she starts to have another panic attack.' The nurse stopped them.

Yoona nodded. She knew what was happening.

'Her time is over.' She thought.

'Y/N, listen to me very carefully. Everything will be fine. I will take care of everything for the boys. I will also look after Hoshi and your m- his family. Just rest well and know that you have succeeded.' Yoona smiled in tears.

'Noona why are you crying? Why are you talking like this as if-' Jin started to sob.

'Nothing. I have a lot of work and I won't be able to come and see her often.' Yoona said.

'Noona don't worry. I will take care of the boys and we will work hard.' Yoongi said.

'Me too!' Jin said.

Y/N breathed heavily. It took her a while to understand what was happening. She was leaving this place forever. She tremblingly pulled her right hand and tried to touch the boys' hands but she couldn't. Teardrops were forming in her eyes.

Yoongi and Jin understood and as soon as they held her hand together, her hand also fell as she went into deep sleep again.

'Let's leave guys. She is unconscious again.' Yoona stood up.

Yoona didn't want the boys to stay here any longer. She had to make sure nobody notices that Y/N vanished into thin air.









'Where were you?' Jin asked Namjoon.

'Ah, I went to visit Y/N noona with Bang pd Nim and Hobi hyung. Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung stayed for a few minutes and went to the company because they were too sad to stay there. We talked to the doctors over there. They said that her brother was there.' Namjoon said.

It was the next day. Fortunately, Y/N's body was still there. The boys were now in the company.

'Ah! That's why I saw them so gloomy.' Yoongi sighed as he looked at their choreographer.

'Let's focus on this thing right now. Because your noona will be sad if she gets to know that you guys didn't practice hard and will blame herself right?'

Others nodded.

Yoona was sitting in a corner as she looked at the savings of Y/N's. Y/N was sending all of her savings to Yoona every week. She has sent the other savings under the name of Soonyoung to Hoshi and was dividing the savings for the boys.

'What do you mean by she vanished?!'

They heard someone shouting.

'She is our responsibility and we sent two guards there! And now you are reporting that she vanished?!'

Yoona stood up and looked at Bang Si Hyuk. He was shouting at someone.

At the same time, she got a message from Hoshi,

'Noona! Y/N noona isn't in the hospital! We can't find her!'


[Finally, everyone is in their real timeline!]

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