Mario Götze [~] Drunken Confessions

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For sam5617: Mario Götze

You plugged in your ear buds and leaned back, just listening to your music. You like to do that when you wanted to think. The music blocked out all of the outside noises for you. The cool German breeze cooled you as the blazing sun continued its reign of the sky. You were conflicted, so conflicted over everything. And it was all because of freaking Mario Götze.

You and Mario had known each other since the two of you were sixteen, when you moved next door to him and his family. You had thought that he was an arrogant, pig headed douche bag but once you got to know him, he turned out to be a really nice guy. And that's what the problem was, he was too nice to you, in a flirty way.

Of course, as a footballer who scored the winning goal of the World Cup at such a young age, he didn't stay single for long. Ann-Kathrin Brommel, the well-known lingerie model, just happened to be the woman that had taken Mario Götze's heart. At first, like any friend would be, you were happy for him and supported their relationship.

And then you felt the pain in your heart, and you knew that you couldn't handle the two of them being together. But, you couldn't destroy Mario's happiness. He was on top of the world and you were just the lowly friend in his fetus days, before anyone actually knew who Mario Götze was. So, you faded into the background and tried to forget about Mario Götze.

It wasn't that easy. In all of Germany, he decided to come to the exact bar that you were working at. And he decided to get drunk. It was the off season, and it was vacation time for the Bayern and German boys, so you weren't that pissed off when you saw him at the bar. "Can I get you anything else, sir?" you asked, standing in front of him, cleaning out a glass as you did so.

"(Y/N), is that you?" Mario questioned, sounding like he had already had a few drinks in him as he stumbled over his speech.

"Yeah, Mario. It's me," you sighed.

"How've you been? The last time I saw you, we were twenty. What happened?" Mario asked, leaning heavily on the bar and you were afraid that he was going to slip and fall face first onto the ground.

"Did you come here with anyone?"

"Yeah, my friends from Bayern. I don't know where they went, though," he mumbled to himself, staring at his empty glass. "When did that happen?"

"Uh, Mario, maybe I should cut you off from alcohol for tonight," you replied, grabbing the mug from his hand and putting it the sink.

"Okay, sounds good to me, (Y/N)," Mario slurred. "Guess what, I have a secret," Mario whispered to you, leaning over the bar with his finger over his lips in a 'Sh' motion.

"What's your secret?" you asked, staring at Mario with a deadpanned look.

"You can't tell Mario I said this though, alright," Mario whispered to you.

"Mario . . ."

"Götze," Mario replied, looking like that was a perfectly normal thing to say. "He's a bit crazy, you know," Mario whispered to you.

"You have no idea," you chuckled. "So, what's your secret?"

"Mario," Mario paused to look around as if to make sure that Mario (himself) wasn't around before looking back at you, "see, he loves someone that isn't his girlfriend." Your eyes widened.

"Who does he love?" you asked in a hushed whisper.

"Shh, it's a secret."

"Who does he love?" you repeated.

"He loves you, he told me so if you don't believe me," Mario said, before face planting on the bar. You stared down at him shocked when two guys you recognized walked over.

"Sorry about him, he's a bit . . . adventurous in the off season," Thomas Müller apologized.

"That's one way of putting it," Bastian Schweinsteiger laughed.

"He wasn't the worst drunk I've had to deal with," you assured them before going back to cleaning the dishes. They left, dragging Mario between the two of them, as you continued to clean the glasses. That had happened two months ago. There was a complete chance that he was just drunk and didn't mean anything by it, but a part of you wanted to believe that it was. You hadn't told anyone about it, and you would probably take that secret to the grave.

A lot happens in two months. The bar you worked at closed down, so you were now unemployed. To make matters worse, at a recent doctor's visit, the doctors discovered that you had a tumor. You had cancer and your parents and your money reserves were not nearly enough to cover the cost of removing the tumor. So, you resigned within yourself as your parents scrambled to try and cover the costs in any way that they could.

You felt the swing dip next to you and you opened your eyes, which instantly locked with Mario's. You didn't say anything, you just removed the ear buds from your ears and continued to lay back, eyes closed. "(Y/N), I know I told you that I loved you when I was drunk two months ago at the bar you worked at. Thomas and Bastian over heard me and they told me later."

"And you're here to tell me to forget all about it because it was a mistake, blah blah blah," you sighed.

"The opposite actually. What I said was the truth, and I stand behind it."

"What about Ann-Kathrin? Does she know about all of this?"

"She's no longer in the picture, she dumped me after I told her that I didn't love her anymore. Beat me to it," Mario chuckled, though there wasn't any humor in his voice. "Your parents told me about the tumor."

"You don't have to be concerned with any of that. I have enough people running around like chickens with their heads cut off about it."

"I'm paying for your surgery, (Y/N). And before you argue, I already handed over the check to your father, and a date's already set for the surgery."

"Mario, you didn't have to," you said, starting to tear up.

"I couldn't just let the woman I love die while I could do something about it," Mario said, locking eyes with you once more. You sat cross-legged as Mario leaned towards you. You leaned forwards and before you knew it, your lips were touching. It was really cliché, which you told Mario after the surgery. But, it was your love story and you wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world.

A.N. Manuel Neuer next!

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