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A/N: first post! Yay!!!
You stepped into another compartment of the train, needing to get some fresh air from
all the dancing. You pulled up the hem of your dress and made your way down the train in search of refreshments.
"Nice costume," Noel said as you walked by him. You glanced over at him and rolled your eyes.
"Thanks." He began walking in step with you, his eyes checking over your body in your Poison Ivy costume. "Can I help you, Noel?"
"Just want to know where you're going."
"Why do you care?"
"Because I was going to ask you to dance," he said with a smile.
"No, thanks."
"Come on, just one dance," he said, stopping you.
"Well there's plenty of desperate girls out there, so you can go ask them," you said, stepping up to the refreshments. Noel scrunched up his nose and grabbed the bottle of water you were reaching for.
"Leave me alone, Noel."
"Just one dance, Y/N."
"I think she told you to leave her alone." You looked up and saw Jason standing next to Noel. Noel swallowed and handed the water bottle back to you.
"Sorry," he said before walking off.
"God, it would take a man to make him respect me," you said. Jason laughed and you looked up at him for the first time in months. "Thank you, by the way."
"No problem." The two of you stood in awkward silence before you looked back at him.
"What are you doing here, Jason?" you asked finally. He laughed slightly and shrugged.
"I just needed to spend some time away from everything. I need to begin to move on."
"So no luck with Ali's remains?" He shook his head. "I'm so sorry," you said, touching his arm. He smiled at you and took a drink. You were both being pushed around by the other people on the train and weren't getting the chance to talk at all.
"Do you want to go somewhere a little more private?" You blushed even though you didn't want to and nodded. You followed Jason through multiple train cars until you got to the very end of the train. You stepped outside into the crisp night air and took a deep breath.
"Much better," you said. Jason smiled and leaned against the railing. You leaned over the railing and looked at Jason. "So how are you doing, Jason?"
"I'm fine." He looked over at you and could tell you weren't believing him. "Really. I'm okay."
"How are things with A?" You sighed and looked at your hands.
"The same."
"You guys don't think I'm a suspect anymore, do you?" You laughed and shook your head.
"No, I convinced them otherwise." You though you noticed a flush across Jason's cheeks and felt one growing on your own. You heard a thud from behind you and saw a cloaked person running away. Jason reached for the door and found it was locked.
"Shit," he mumbled. You tried looking through glass but there was no one in the compartment. You shivered and leaned against the railing again.
"Here," Jason said, shedding the red jacket he was sporting and wrapping it around your shoulders.
"Thank you." You sat in an uncomfortable silence for a while before you started laughing.
"What?" Jason asked in confusion.
"Nothing. I just can't believe how things have changed."
"Like what?"
"Like the fact that I can talk to you without worrying about Ali ripping my throat out."
"She wouldn't let you talk to me?"
"No, not at all. She always said you were off limits to us."
"That's not really for Ali to decide."
"I know, she always said you were weird, too." You stopped and looked over at Jason who smiled awkwardly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Besides, I never thought you were weird," you chipped in.
"No I thought you were kind of cool. And hot," you said, surprising yourself. Jason laughed and leaned a little closer to you.
"Don't worry, I know how Ali felt about me. She was never very secretive about her opinions of people. It's probably what got her killed," he said, staring off into the disappearing track.
"Oh, and just for the record, I always thought you were the prettiest of all of Ali's friends," Jason added. You blushed and looked up into his eyes.
"Yeah?" Jason nodded and it seemed like he inched closer to your face.
"Good. Because I definitely am," you joked.
"I'm not denying that. This may sound weird, but I always wanted to take you away from Ali."
"Take me away?" you asked.
"Not like that, but I always thought you were too good to be her friend." You blushed and smiled.
"It doesn't bode well to speak ill of the dead." Jason nodded.
"You're right. All I'm saying is I didn't want her to be a bad influence on you."
"Maybe I was a bad influence on her," you teased.
"I doubt that."
"What, you don't think I can be bad?" Jason shook his head and laughed.
"No, I didn't say that. I don't think anyone influenced Ali positively. If she acted more like you, she'd probably still be here."
"You're probably right." Another awkward silence followed with the both of you touching shoulders and staring off the end of the train.
"So, Y/N, if you were such a bad girl, why didn't you ever talk to me?"
"Probably my fear of Ali? Of rejection? Or the fact that you were a few years older and way out of my league?"
"I'm not out of your league. You're out of mine." You laughed and didn't hear the door open until it was too late. You felt hands on your back as you were pushed off the side. Jason reached for you and grabbed onto your hands as you hung from the railing of the train.
"Who was that?" you shouted.
"I don't know," Jason said as he pulled you back onto the train. You sat down on the floor and tried to regain your breathing. Jason crouched down next to you.
"Are you okay?" he asked. You nodded and looked up at him.
"Thank you." He nodded and brushed a hair out of your face. You leaned close enough to Jason to kiss him before stopping.
"Ali would kill me if she knew what I was doing. This is so off limits. I-"
"Just shut up and kiss me," he said. You smiled and brought your lips to his. Jason wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him. Your hands were on his chest and neck as he deepened the kiss and his tongue slipped into your mouth.
"Y/N, ar-" You pulled away and saw Spencer and Emily standing in the doorway. "Oh, sorry," Emily said. You stood up and brushed off your dress.
"Hey, guys."
"Are you okay?" Spencer asked
"Uhm, yeah, kinda. I was just pushed off the train by A, but Jason saved me," you said, motioning back to the older DiLaurentis sibling. The girls nodded and looked at each other.
"Okay, well we'll see you back inside," Em said before walking away. You ran a hand over your face and looked over at Jason. You both laughed at how awkward that just was.
"That's going to take some getting use to," Jason said. You blushed and stood in front of him.
"What will?"
"Us. If you want there to be an 'us'." You nodded and stood on your tip toes to kiss him again.
"I would love that. It will be a change."
"A good change, though," Jason added before taking your hand and leading you back onto the train.
credit to imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul on Tumblr

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