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"He's evil. I'm telling you." Hanna said, eyeing Noel, who stood only a few meters from you.

"I'm not saying we should trust him, but I don't think he's evil." You replied, quickly looking back at Hanna when Noel's gaze landed on you.

"You're only saying that because he likes you." Emily whispered, jokingly, joining your conversation.

"That's not true, I agree with you guys that he is guilty of something but that doesn't make him evil." Both Hanna and Emily gave you an 'of course he likes you and you know it look,' making you roll your eyes and wander around the party. You had all been invited, celebrating the victory of the school's sports team.

"I have a plan." Spencer stated, popping up unexpectedly in front of you, making you almost spill your drink.

"Jesus Spencer, you almost gave me a heart attack." You placed your free hand over your heart to emphasize your point.

"Speaking of the heart. I need you to distract Noel." She said, more like an instruction rather than her asking you whether you would do it. She saw the hesitant look on your face. "Please, y/n. we need you to do this. We need to look around upstairs, see what he's hiding."

"So go and do it." You said kindly, motioning for her to continue. She sighed, taking the drink out of your hands.

"It's too risky, you need to keep him occupied until we are done."

"How am I supposed to do that?" you questioned, the idea making you slightly nervous.

"I don't know. Just... talk. I know you like him. He won't be able to resist you, you look good tonight." She complemented. Reluctantly you agreed and spencer wandered off to
find the other girls.

You thought the best thing to do would be to grab another drink and offer one to noel. Although when you poured it you reconsidered. You stood there alone for a while, glancing at noel just to make sure he hadn't wandered upstairs. He was stood in the same spot talking to his friends until at least the tenth time you looked over.

"Hey." A voice said behind you, making you jump for the second time that night.
"Hi, Noel. How are you?" you said politely, figuring that if you were friendly he would talk to you for long enough.

"I'm great actually, I couldn't help but notice you looking over." You felt a sinking feeling, embarrassed that he had caught you looking over. Normally you wouldn't be effected, but this was Noel Kahn. The boy with the dazzling smile and perfectly sculpted body.

"I was only looking over because you were doing the same earlier." You answered, sipping your drink.

"Sorry. I couldn't help it, you look amazing tonight." He complemented you. "Do you want to go outside, it's really stuffy and hot in here, and it'll be much cooler outside." He suggested. You nodded, taking the hand he offered you and followed him outside, hoping your hands weren't too sweaty.

Once you got outside, the fresh air hit you instantly, you sat on the steps to his back garden with him, enjoying the feeling of the outdoors compared with the party. You felt extremely relaxed just sat outside away from the noise, until you remembered you were still holding his hand. You felt your heartbeat increasing, not used to being so close to him. You didn't let go, actually enjoying the contact. It awoke something in you, a fluttery feeling and a warmth spreading through your heart.

"I was surprised when you said you would come." He said, interrupting the silence between you two.

"Why?" you asked, confused. He always threw the best parties and no one ever turned down an invite.

"Because I know you and your friends don't trust me." He stated, his eyes meeting yours.

"I do trust you. I wouldn't be out here alone with you if I didn't." you laughed. That's when you realized the truth in your words. You felt safe with him, you felt protected.
"But your friends don't trust me do they." He already knew the answer, so you just shook your head.

"Can I be honest with you?" he asked, taking your free hand in his other one.

"Of course you can." You responded, curious as to what he was going to say.

"I want you friends to like me and trust me, but I know they probably never will. I just want you to trust me. Know that I'd never hurt you. Ever. I wouldn't do anything against you. And the reason I threw this party was so that I could get closer to you. Only
I never had the courage until you were in your own."

It was a lot to take in. You had already told him that you trusted him, but the look on his face told you that it hurt him to think that you might not. You also couldn't believe he did all this to get close to you. It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for you and you couldn't help but blush.

"You know. You didn't have to do all this to talk to me. But thank you." You smiled.
"I felt like there was no other way... I'm way more confident at parties than I am at school. And every time I try and talk to you, I freeze. The words get stuck in my throat and I can hear my pulse in my ears, my heart is beating so fast."

You giggled to yourself, remembering all those times you had admired him on the field, playing for the school's sports team and cheering him on more than anyone else, without even realizing it.

"You just described how I'm feeling right now." You exhaled, looking down at your intertwined fingers.

When you arrived at the party, you never expected to kiss Noel. But here you were, your fingers running through his hair as his gripped your hips. The first kiss was relatively short but you didn't stop there, you sat on the step, underneath the stars, making out for what felt like the whole night.

On one hand, you felt guilty, knowing the girls didn't trust him. But if you learnt one thing tonight, it was that you trusted him. You trusted him with your heart.

On the other hand, you couldn't believe how amazing it felt to be with him. To have his fingertips gently touching your skin. You couldn't believe this hadn't happened sooner.
You pulled away, breathless, turning forwards and resting your head on his shoulder, a huge grin on both your faces.

"What would you say if I asked you to be my girlfriend?" He smiled down at you, studying your face for a reaction. You looked into his eyes, then your gaze drifted down to his lips.

"I'd say yes, if you kissed me like that every day." you teased.

"Definitely," he chuckled, reconnecting your lips.
credit to littlehastingsliar on Tumblr

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