Mike/Noel→Sneaking Around (part 2)

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warning: language and mentions of sex
Guilt. Guilt. Guilt.
I got out of the bed and began getting ready. I was still wearing Noel's shirt and I didn't
wanna take it off, but I had to.
I heard my phone ringing and I went to pick it up, it was Noel.
"Good morning gorgeous, can I pick you up?", he said with his voice sexy sleepy voice and oh my god.
"That would be great because I'm so sleepy and I can't drive, like at all".
"Alright, I'll be there at 8".
What the hell was I doing?
I took a shower because I was so dirty from last night and then I wore a casual outfit.
I got a text form Noel telling me that he was outside.
I didn't have time to eat breakfast. I left ASAP.
"Good morning honey", my mom said.
"Good morning mommy, and bye".
"Are you gonna walk to school?".
"No my friend Noel is gonna drive me".
"How come not Mike?".
"Mom I really need to go".
I ran to his car.
"Fuck my life. Now my mom is gonna suspect me as well".
"Hey hey, relax babe", he kissed me on the cheek.
"I can't. I feel so bad at daytime. And so good at nighttime. I hate it".
"Like I said, I'm not forcing you. You can stop at anytime, although I wish you wouldn't", he kissed me.
"Oh my goodness Noel, just drive", I pulled back from the kiss.
He drove to school and right when he was parking, I saw Mike come and park beside us.
"Fuck this shit. My day is complete", I was freaking out.
I got out of Noel's car and I walked over to Mike's.
"Hey baby", I said to him through the window and leaned in to kiss him.
"Why did he drive you?", he asked with a cracked voice.
"Oh. My car wasn't working and he saw me walking to school so he offered to drop me off", I lied.
"Okay", he didn't argue.
"Hi Mike", Noel came.
"Hi, can I talk to privately", he said with an annoyed voice.
"Sure", Noel raised his eyebrow.
I felt my heart beating in my stomach. I was freaking the hell out and I walked as quickly as possible inside the school.
I didn't know what they talked about.
I saw none of them between the classes. Not even at lunch. I tried texting both but no one replied.
It was finally the last period which Noel was in the same class as me.
I entered the classroom and I saw him sitting.
"What the hell happened? Why weren't you answering my texts?", I sat next to him.
"Nothing", he laughed.
One thing that annoyed me about Noel is that he would joke about literally anything and he never took anything seriously.
"It's not funny. Speak up".
"Well (Y/N), your boyfriend thinks that I'm getting too close to you and I should start backing off before he cuts me in half".
"Oh my god. Does he know that we are..? Oh my god, he knows. Oh my god I need air", I got up and left the room.
I heard my teacher yelling at me asking me to come back.
"(Y/N)", Noel came running after me.
I was all red and crying.
"Hey hey hey, don't cry", he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.
"He doesn't know anything".
"But he will eventually", I cried.
Noel walked me outside of the school so I could get some fresh air and gave me a bottle of water.
I drank a little and I stood there and stared into a blank space as I felt the chilly air hit my face and dry up my tears.
"It's gonna be alright", he grabbed me closer to him.
"It won't be alright Noel, this is totally unacceptable".
"We can go and talk to him together and clear things out", he suggested.
"Hell to the fucking no. I don't want him to hurt you. And I don't want to hurt him emotionally. This was the biggest mistake in my entire life", I started crying again.
I was lost. I didn't know what to do.
After we stood there for about 10 I decided to go in and back to class.
"You don't have to go to class, you can sign out and I'll drive you home", Noel said.
"No. We have a damn test tomorrow and I wanna know what to study for".
I walked back in the class and my teacher asked me to go out and he followed me and I told him that I wasn't feeling well and I needed fresh air and I also apologized.
He was forgiving for the first time ever and I was surprised.
I walked back in and I got all the notes that I needed.
The bell rang and I saw Mike standing outside my class.
"Hey", he kissed me.
"Do you wanna come over?", he asked.
Should I say yes? Should I say no? Is it time to finally confess? Should I run away? What the hell am I supposed to do?
"I'm really tired and sleepy and I have a test tomorrow. If there was a pillow right here, I'd fall asleep within seconds", I smiled so that I seemed innocent.
"What were you doing last night?", when he asked this, I started getting all those feelings back, that I had an hour ago.
"Nothing. I was just having a nightmare and I couldn't sleep the whole night?".
"Why didn't you call me? I told you like thousands of time to call me when you're not able to sleep".
"I'm sorry Mike okay? I didn't think about that. I just wanted it to beover so I could fall back asleep", I said angrily.
"Are you sure it's the only thing that you want to be over?".
"Yes. What do you mean?".
"Nothing. I'll drive you home".
He knows. I bet you $1000000 he knows. But why is he not confronting me?
The whole ride home, I didn't say a single word because lately, every single thing I said was a lie and I didn't want things to get worse.
"I love you", he kissed my forehead when we arrived to my place.
Fuck. These three words again. What love? Who loves at this age? Certainly not me? Or did I love? Who did I love?
I didn't say it back, I just smiled and left.
Thank god my parents were still not home so I ran up to my room and threw myself on the bed. All I wanted to do was sleep, sleep, sleep, and never wake up.
I woke up to the sound of my phone. I looked at it and it was 10pm. I had 6 missed calls, 3 from Noel and 3 from Mike.
I thought if I slept, my problems would go away. But they didn't.
I was back again to this horrible place. Actually, this wasn't a big deal. I mean all what I had to do was make up my stupid mind and choose one. Too bad choosing things wasn't always my thing.
credit to pllandunicorns on Tumblr

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