Dating Emily would include

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-Nose kisses under the duvet.
-Leisurely swimming together, going under each others legs and flipping each other, kissing under the water.
-Making each other hot chocolate, squirting whipped cream on each other's noses.
-Carrying each others backpacks.
-Bike rides through the forest, stopping off in the most beautiful spot and having a picnic.
-500 second long snapchat stories whenever you're together.
-Constantly being told you're "relationship goals"
-Painting bedroom walls together in just t-shirts and pants.
-Her head on your chest, talking about who's going to carry the baby and what wedding dresses you're going to wear.
-Always having banter with good old Pam.
-Crying at Marley and Me together, discussing your future dogs.
-Watching Friends reruns in bed at 4pm.
-Holding her close, wiping away her tears when they found Ali's body.
-Doing anything to protect her, and her doing the same because you're love is more important than anything else.
-Making smoothies in her and her water bottles.
-Stealing each other's outfits.
-Train rides asleep on each other.
-Rolling your eyes whenever someone gives you weird looks, and if it's too bad not being afraid to stand up to them because you love Emily and she loves you and other people's opinions mean nothing to you.
credit to imcgine on Tumblr

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